gReTs profile picture


-=stand up for something or fall for anything=-

About Me

My Life as told by my good friend Armi--I currently bask in the glory of being the driver of one of the most exciting joyrides which is my life. Just like the rest, I sometimes forget to put on my seatbelt, thus letting my guard down and making me vulnerable to so many things. I hang on to something when the ride gets a little too bumpy, and let go when it is safe to do so. I step on the gas when I get high with happiness and slow down when better sense requires me to. I have been lost and have encountered too many detours, but I always know when to make a u-turn and go back to the track where I have always belonged--- where I could pull over anytime to ask my loved ones, which I handle with so much care just like I do with my steering wheel, to guide me on which directions I could take. I do everything with passion, appreciate different people and simple things with so much ease, value cheap pleasures and smile at the thought of seeing yet another sunrise that would mean the ride is far from being over. I live a lot and love twice as much. I have come across some humps and bumps but I know I could always pull over to gas up, then go and enjoy more of this joyride which track was made perfectly for someone as unique as me.*~*makes sense of madness... when my sanity hangs by a thread...*~*"You have to stand up for something or fall for anything."-= someone very wise once told me... you never FALL in love... you always, always PLUMMET... and finding him would be worth everything. =-

My Interests

i adore variety... maybe that's why if i buy a bracelet or something along those lines, i won't stop until i have every color. hehe... ;) i looove shopping! just can't get that out of me, especially when i see good buys... makes me want to weep... (hindi namaaan!) takes me hours to buy a decent blouse... =D have to feel really good about myself in it first... i love being with friends and hanging out. watching movies relaxes me... i enjoy chatting, especially with friends i barely see... i love renewing old ties, especially with my HS friends. Clubbing--one of my fave past times! =D i'm interested in photography... but you have to have a sizeable bank account to buy the proper equipment... tsk... i love the beach!!! =) and i love Baguio... i enjoy chocolates (who doesn't???)... books are still my passion! still couldn't sleep without reading one... or two chapters. =D i'm planning to reinvent myself and going for the bolder things in life... taking risks... and just enjoying life.

I'd like to meet:

i want my own cal... (seriously)... that someone who will love me for who i am... who won't look at other people and compare me to them... someone who will guarantee me that he accepts me, faults and all and someone who will be happy with me... someone who'll make me feel beautiful and special... someone who won't hurt me intentionally... someone who will be HONEST and open with me in everything that he does... someone who's warm and caring and loving and thoughtful and SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHO AND WHAT HE WANTS... someone who can see me for me... someone who will sit beside me and comfort be and support me every step of the way... SOMEONE WHO TAKES VERY GOOD CARE OF ME... someone who will love to fit into my life and who will treat me as a partner and an equal... someone who will want me to take care of them and love them and not feel trapped or intimidated by me... someone who will mold me into the best person i can be... someone who will love me as i deserve to be loved! i know it's idealistic.. but well, so am i! deal with it...


i get my songs from the radio and from the latest hits... i like alternative. depends on my mood... sometimes i like to take it slow. i have a playlist for every kind of music so when i want to hear it, i just play it. i download songs that i like... i'm pretty flexible when it comes to music. hate heavy metal. most songs i love because of the lyrics... =D i also like songs with great melodies.


Lord of the Rings... I'm not a conformist... it's just that I admit it! They were great movies, all three of them! Amazing cinematography... galing. And Kill Bill... two thumbs up! What else...? Uhm, The Mummy and the sequel,The Mummy Returns. Romy and Michele's Highschool Reunion. Haha! Funny eh. A Beautiful Mind... one of my favorites. While You were Sleeping. I never get tired of watching it. =) Bad Boys II!!! Finally... I got to watch it, iniwan kasi ako nila Sheens eh. Will Smith rocks, as in!!! He has been my crush ever since... and Johnny Depp!!! I only watched Astronaut's Wife because of him. =D Oh, and we musn't forget Dirty Dancing 2!!! wow! =D


i love sitcoms, like Will and Grace, Still Standing, Frasier and King of Queens. their humor is outrageous... love the scriptwriters. i like Charmed as well... i enjoy characters who are magical and supernatural... i also like csi. the way they strategize is unbelievable! they present a very interesting episode every time i watch it... and their equipment... makes you wonder... =D


Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton... i just love this book! it's one of the books that deals with the supernatural... =D Dan Brown books are amazing... i enjoy the intrigue. it didn't surprise me that it became an international phenomenon... i also like books by Nora Roberts. she spins words in a way that makes me want to have her talent in writing. there isn't any book she had authored that i did not enjoy reading. and Judith McNaught is one of the best authors i've come across. i'm open to read other authors' writings... Maya Calica is also good. i also like books about yung mga CIA, FBI, forensics sort of thing... Catherine Coulter gets this category... =) hehe... weird! Basta, I admire authors who can play with words and not make it seem dull and lifeless. I dream of writing one also... but I cannot seem to get past the first page. =p if and when i get to write my own book na, i'd want it to be sassy and funny without losing its class and without giving its readers a hard time to understand it. hope to achieve that goal soon! i'm running out of stuff to write about... evrything's already been put into paper! =D