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Vote Ron Paul for 2008

About Me

Once you get over all the fame and glory, I'm just a regular guy.

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My Interests

Bodybuilding, Martial Arts, and anything involving the mind and the body.


Picky, but diverse tastes in many genres: Rap, Hip-hop, house, jungle, techno, some rock.. the funky tribal noise my dish-washing machine makes


Stargate, The Matrix, Minority Reports, Requiem For A Dream, KIDS, The Rules of Attraction, Pitch Black, Boiler Room, Sneakers, Deuce Bigallo, Donnie Darko, Close Encounters of The Third Kind, almost any Oliver Stone movies


Family Guy, Entourage, Doctor Who,Rescue Me, The Shield, Stargate (SG-1 & Atlantis)


Snow Crash, TiHKAL, PiHKAL, Dragon Tears, Shadow Fires, Dean Koontz, John Grisham, Michael Chrichton


Those who play the devils advocate and win. People who flip the system on it's head and look beyond magic bullets.

My Blog

Ron Paul speaks at Google July 13th 2007

So I went to my first political rally yesterday (7/14) for a presidential candidate and liked a lot of what I heard. Enough so that I want to share it with friends and acquaintances.Never before have...
Posted by Eric on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 02:04:00 PST