women and partying, one of those 2 will undoubtedly be the death of me. I'm just Bartending in Hawaii for the moment and running my company Gillvin Inc. Enjoyin life and letting life enjoy me......
Sheri Moon Zombie, Myself 20 years from now, if i'm still alive.
All we do is go huge and fade bitches, while going huge, while fading bitches.
The life and times of Matt Gillespie, Oldboy, There will be blood, Jaws(classic) and Devil's rejects just to name a few
very rarly. MSNBC, sportscenter or the news.
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, Aristotle's metaphysics, On the road, Steppenwolf, Anything by Carlos Castaneda, The Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson-, confessions of an economic hitman, blood diamonds, imperial hubris, blowback, when genius failed, reminiscences of a stock operator, I lucifer.
Fibro, Corey Cuddles, Ratboy, Lewers Street Choppers, Paka and the San Jose Militia, OLd man Tusi, Justin the lumberjack, Jesse from the shire (aderol nite), HickJoey and his ropebelt, Yings these days, Sniffany, Rustin's receding hairline, Foreheadmaster, ThickYing.com for Gibbs,and all the hornschwaglin bastards, you know who you are.... GILLVIN INC. BITCH.......WE RUN SHIT.