Gregory Rex Daniels profile picture

Gregory Rex Daniels

Dick Clark's stroke got me in trouble....

About Me

We started a radio station in San AntonioI am a Mavericks fan and they pissed me off this year. Here's proof.
At my 10 year class reunion with JJ and Jeff! I look kind of crazed. Kind of scary!

This was at Buffalo Wild Wings with Dallas Cowboys linebackers DeMarcus Ware, Akin Ayodele and Brady James. Also, Heather, Laura and Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin Challenge winner James!

Look Its NOODLES with a toothpick or two!
I dont know why these kids want my autograph. They were singing Ne-Yo songs and they were a total beating.

My Interests

Gregtar Hero For Real
Look! Its little gay Thomas!..

I miss my friends and as you can see, They miss me!
Me + Jessica Harp + Michelle Branch = Me with The Wreckers!!

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Stephen A Smith from ESPN , Eddie Vedder , Nicole Sullivan from Mad TV , Dave Grohl , I want Dimebag Darrel to come back to life , I want to spoon with Charlize Theron and maybe make out with her in the hallway, Willie Nelson is an ICON! , Scott Peterson , so I can punch the shit out of his face and I want to meet Jon Stewart .
Free Beer and Catfish with some K-ROCK fans! And yes I beat Zelda,bitch!

The last sighting of Free Beer and Catfish in San Antonio!


I got a call this morning from Nelson and apparanetly he wasnt doing much at work. He wanted to hear this gem called "Gravity". We think its kinda funny! Here ya go pal! Click here to watch "GRAVITY-1"


If I had to suggest that you watch 5 movies before you die I would tell you to watch Finding Forrester, Office Space, The Breakfast Club, Napolean Dynamite and Miracle.Now If you were to die I would suggest that you watch Ghost, Angels in the Outfield, The 6th Sense and any of the Superman movies.


Sam does a character named Reggie. Reggie tries to buy a scooter! Hilarious!----- Click here to watch 'Reggie-tries-to-buy-a-scooter' -----One day while sitting in the the production room Noodles started making these wretched "YACK" noises. I was laughing uncontrollably and Catfish set it to music...Listen---- Click here to watch 'Yack-A-Palooza' ----This is another version of YACK set to House's of the Holy!---- Click here to watch 'House-of-Yack' ------Noodles was in a band called Medicine Tounge. I took one of their songs and made it a YACK track. This one is called Break Yack!--- Click here to watch 'Break-YACK' ----Finally, what would all of the Yack Tracks be without the original Yack Track! Enjoy!---- Click here to watch 'Original-Yack-Track'


Don King calls in--- Click here to watch 'Don-King-Interview' PAt McCrotch stops by to talk about hotdogs--- Click here to watch 'Pat-McCrotch-Interview' ----Mike from the band Staind unexpectedly calls into my morning show. By listening to this, you will NOT get smarter!------ Click here to watch 'Mike-from-Staind-Calls-In' ---- This was recorded with Arnold Schwartenayyger......I dont know how to spell his name so step off! Listen to this fantastic interview!----- Click here to watch 'Arnold-Schwarzenayger-Interview'


My Granddad and My dad.

My Blog


I cant believe that its been nearly a year since I last blogged up in this bitch! Thats enough time for a crack head to fondle at least 100 manginas for crack. Enough time for high profile senators to...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:32:00 PST

Deodorant Commercials

What the hell!! I am grossed out right now! Why is it that we need commercials for deodorant? There is that totally nasty ass commercial for Old Spice and the dude comes walking into the locker room ...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Sun, 13 May 2007 06:28:00 PST

When did I fall asleep??

Something has happened. I didnt realize I had my eyes closed or my ears stuffed with cotton. I must have been asleep for quite sometime. I know that I must have woken up about a year ago because that...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 11:18:00 PST

Its my Fault

When I was a kid, I put crap on my neighbors/ neightbors front porch. The guy stepped in it and he tracked it inside his house. He came out cussing in some Middle Eastern tongue and I yelled, "N...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:48:00 PST

To Mow or Not To Mow.....

I'm not sure why I thought of this but I did and now you are going to have to read about it. One day, a few years ago in San Antonio, I walked out on my back porch and I noticed immediatley that it wa...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 01:55:00 PST


I am not sure why this bugs me but it really does. I know this is just MySpace and its a total waste of time but at the same time its still a way to communicate with people. Now here is what pisses me...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 03:08:00 PST

F-ing Debit/Check Card and Part Time Help!

Okay I dont understand this!! In early August my debit/check card was stolen and then paraded all over town charging up some 800 bucks worth of crap on it! So I go to the bank. They give me an ATM ca...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 09:17:00 PST

The last 30 minutes!

Alright so I didnt go straight home like I had told myself afer work. I went to the bar to meet up wiht Marcus. Its not that big of a deal. So as we sat there and drank our beers and chuckled at the s...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:08:00 PST

Rules for Sunday Funday

#1. When hosting a super hot buffalo wing eating contest dont be cute and try it yourself. Your face will hurt for a bit and you will be forced to drink lots of beer while watching the Cowboys lose. T...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:36:00 PST


Its always easier to roll over, hit snooze and sleep in when you have the time to. Its easier to get up play on the internet all day when you have the time to. Its easier to go to the bar and have a f...
Posted by Gregory Rex Daniels on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:33:00 PST