The nature, taking in as much sun as possible,anything or anyone Italian, hiking,rollerblading (and using the brakes)secretly cleaning my ears out with Q-tips,Alamo Drafthouse,finding the best margarita in Austin,car flirting,TRAVEL,planning other people's travels,San Francisco,PHOTOGRAPHY,art and art history...but more and more just art...bad acting,laughing,Barton Springs,musica viva,translating everything into Spanish,foreign accents,roadtrips,sailing with mi papa,wakeboarding,dancing,kickboxing (but only with Abundio)finding fun hidden nature spots in Austin, hot yoga, komboocha,belly dancing at Zein's,piano, various types of beer, pizza pizza,brown rice and porridge,and reading the Chronicle over a long drawn out brunch Sunday mornings. mmm mmm!
These dudes:I still have a thing for short people, in particularly wiggly short people. Do not care for smurfs ever since one tried to set up camp under my bed. I'd also like to meet people who myspace hack so that I may hack them. I would like to meet a leprechaun, one willing to spend a couple of weeks with me so that I might finally perfect my leprechaun accent. And finally, people that have never seen,been on, or heard of Myspace. So I guess that's not you.
MUUUUUSICA!!!!!! Music is my boyfriend. Music is my hot hot sex.
MOVIES:ABAR the First Black SuperMan...if you haven't seen this you havn't really lived. Dumb and Dumber, Billy Madison, Steel Magnolias (cause I'm a southern gal) La Vita e Bella, Zoolander, Gladiator, American Beauty,Big BUsiness,Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Big Lebowski, Big Fish, Vanilla Sky, Anything Tarantino, Wayne's World...FOXY LADY!, Lord of the Rings, La Finestra di Fronte,L'Ultimo Bacio,Sprited Away,Chocolat,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Blow, Edward Scissorhands...(hence my thing for Johnny Depp is revealed)Respiro, Amelie, Forest Gump, Old School, Flashdance, Lost in Translation, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Y Tu Mama Tambien, El Lobo, Fellini Flicks,The Shining,The Secretary, The Spanish Apartment,So I Married an Axe Murderer, The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Gia, Dangerous Beauty, Capote, Cable Guy, The Corporation, Garden State, God is Great and I'm Not, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sex y Lucia, City of God,Pan's Labyrinth, Happenstance, Babel (take that Keith) Napolean Dynamite,The Prestige,The Science of Sleep, Lonesome Jim, WAD-The Life and Times of John Holmes, Motorcycle Diaries (gael garcia bernal...mmmm!) and Army of Darkness (its so bad its good)
TELEVISIONE:Recently cured of date show addiction. I would prefer to read a good book any day. The noise of the TV hurts my ears. But I will always have a place in my heart for Conan; I have trouble sleeping at night without having heard an O'Brian monolog. And I must admit to being rather fond of Ab Fab episodes. Its so me dahling
LIBROS:Ciao America,In Cold Blood,Letters To A Young Poet,Drive Through America,The Divine Secrets of the Yaya, An Italian Affair, Choke, All Around the Town, The 4 Agreements, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Fast Food Nation, Man's Search for Meaning, The Indifferent, The Toltec Prophecies, Pinocchio, Memoirs of a Geisha, High Fidelity, About a Boy, Number The Stars, Everything is Illuminated, A Brief History of Nearly Everything, Fahrenheit 451,The Funny Thing Is, The Metamorphosis,Confessions of Zeno, Nirvana Here and Now, The Only Bush I Trust is My Own, CUNT, Il Piccolo Pricipe,The Fermata, Vox, Pulp, Letters from Ed, The God of Small Things, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, The Post Office, The Bohemian Manifesto,Vamos a Conjugar, On The Road, Why Paint Cats- An owners manual to the art of feline decoration...and others
HEROES: The inventor of the breakfast taco..........................NOT HEROES:People that stand up and talk, and talk a lot, and don't say anything intelligible and just sound like they are farting from their mouth and the words that they have to say are equally as odious as would be a mouth fart, and yet for some reason these very not-heroes of mine have some sort of weird power where people applaud their mouth farts and actually encourage them and their mouth farts actually make things happen that affect me. and you. and, in fact, the entire world. I refer to them often as fucking retards (although that is offensive to retards) or fuck faces (which I assume doesn't offend too many people) but they are more commonly known as "Republican Politicians".