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Ok. My name is Jessica. I currently attend Dixon High School [The Bulldogs]. I play volleyball & soccer [#23]. I have total trust issues, so dating hasnt been the highest point of my life since the end of last summer. Im a one chance kind of person, you mess up once, then it is the end of our friendship. I will NEVER believe in 2nd chances.
Ive been a tough relationship, and my mom has taught me that if somebody does something once, then they will do it again. And i know many people stronglyyy disagree with that, but thats how i have been taught. I think dating is a total waste of time, and its just a set up for a broken heart. If you think you are that guy that is different, then by gosh try to prove that to me. The love of my life is my CELLPHONE♥! Want to know anything else? Just add me, write me, comment me. Just do whatever. I have MSN & Yahoo, feel free to ask me what they are. But DONT add me if you arent going to talk to me, its just wasting my time! :)
Song: Wife Her by SekayCOMMENT