~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ profile picture

~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~

It’s hard to steer when you’re breathing in my ear, But I got both hands on the wheel while you

About Me

"The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." - Douglas MacArthur
Let's see .... I'm a native San Diegan, but have been living down in the south for a little over 3 yrs now (I can't believe it's already been that long!). I'm always going to be a Cali girl at heart Richard . I love him more than anything & he means the world to me. I love my stalker! (lol, inside joke)- He's currently on his 3rd deployment & 2nd OIF tour =( I'm a mama to 2 beautiful, furry, 4 legged runts who are my sunshine. They make me smile on those days when nothing else will.
I'm a music fiend, an amateur chef, a shameless goofball, and devoted wife. Love to entertain. My home is always filled with good food, great friends, and plenty of laughs I miss my friends and family back home, but sometimes it's nice to have a break, right? lol. J/k, I miss you guys! Have been working and going to school to earn my teaching degree. Someday, I will be molding the minds of future voting Americans. Scary,huh? bwahahahaha.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Your mom

You Belong in San Diego
Laid back and friendly, you were meant to live most of your life on the beach.
You usually think everything is "all good"... except when the weather dips under 60F.
You stay classy - especially when you're in Tijuana! Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong?

Erica --

A person who laughs at anything (even this entry)

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com


Anything that makes me sing along. I like a little of everything. I'm a dial roller


"In Texas, if your name is Carlos, you're a Mexican. In Florida, you're a Cuban. In New York, you're a Puerto Rican. And I come here [Canada] and I find out I'm an Eskimo." - Carlos Mencia

Easter Snow

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I think I was saying something to the effect of "...my pants are wet" - I'm stupid, lol

Easter '07 Texas Style!!!

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Ugly Betty, Heroes, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order SVU, Food Network, News, and random shows I come across when I actually have time to sit & watch.


Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, Janet Evanovich, Tom Clancy, Gonzalo Lira, Carl Hiaasen, & Harlequin romance novels. They're my one guilty pleasure, lol


All the military personnel, police, and firemen who risk their lives so I can sleep in peace at night.

My Blog

It's snowing... in Texas... in April!!!

Oh my goodness, it's freakin snowing! I was over at a friend's place having early Easter dinner when it really started coming down. Had a snowball fight to end all snowball fights, got some excercise,...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:54:00 PST

taking a break for my manos....

I learned how to knit today. I'm so excited! lol~ Thank you Obi Wan Lizz Everytime Richard is gone for training or deployment, I always try to set out and accomplish something new. Whether it be tack...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 07:15:00 PST

The Worst Things You Can Say to a Woman Whose Husband is Deployed

OMG, these are all so true! Especially #1 and #8. Just like her intro paragrah states, there are good intentions behind some comments we receive, but there are others that make you ask "What the hell ...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:24:00 PST

The Departed

Finally got to see it. Loved it! Thanks Lizz ~
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:22:00 PST

My puppy is a zombie! =(

My poor baby! I was trying to get a leash on Soldier to take her outside. The door was open, she ran from me, the leash caught on the door slamming it behind her. Her tail didn't make it outside yet a...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:33:00 PST

cake is yummy

For those of you who don't know yet, Richard came home for R&R this past Friday. Since it had snowed some today and has been so icey for the last few days, we decided to get drunk and bake a cake,...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:09:00 PST


Why are people so insecure or embarrassed when it comes to stretching at the gym? Everytime I'm alone in the aerobic room (ya know the one with all the mirrors) people walk in, see me, and do an ...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST

New Years Resolution

A few days ago I had practically an essay written out on this topic. And, of course, I somehow exited out of the page before I even saved it. I was so frustrated I said screw it and pouted all morning...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 06:23:00 PST


I got a Christmas present from the UPS man today! Well, it's not from him, but he delivered it. I love mail as long as it's not bills  So excited. I've been good and haven't opened it yet. W...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:21:00 PST

Feeling lonley

I'm just in that mood  Bleh...
Posted by ~*eRiCa Miss aMeRiCa*~ on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:37:00 PST