teleporting into my closet, wikipedia, playgrounds past midnight, laguz, jellyfish, sinusoidal motion, ponies, field cameras, scrabble, wide-angle lenses, spontaneous cartwheeling, mutative recursion, ms pacman, auryn, expensive paper,generative design, awkward time signatures, songs that mimic the cadence of my walk, marzipan, cynar, multi-functional clothing, the sound of peppermint patties
People who dont fear their own humanity.
la jette, the hours, in the mood for love, me and you and everyone we know, mr + mrs smith, maelstrom, harold and maude, requiem for a dream, mirrormask, the last unicorn, hackers, showgirls, teen witch
trashy, unintelligible, and underrated-for-good-reason
too many to list, but perennial favorites include:
+ + + + +
the waves, woolf
nightwood, djuna barnes
fruits of the earth, gide
daughter buffalo, janetframe
in the heart of the country, coetzee
art & lies, winterson
flesh & blood, cunningham
bend sinister, nabokov
the immoralist, gide
defiance, maso
cosmicomics, calvino
haroun & the sea of stories, rushdie
the safety of objects, homes
labyrinths, borges
the fall, camus
(and jason wolske)