Although, The September Revelation is a fairly new artist to the scene, the front man (only man) Tomy Wilkerson is not. You might remember Tomy Wilkerson when he went by his name. "As much as I love my name, I thought change was necessary". Tomy Wilkerson is a Singer/Songwriter from El Sobrante. "El Sobrante was basically this town where the minute you enter, you've already exited. It's seirously this place that is in the middle of nowhere. All the places around this town are famous for rappers". Even though, Tomy is not a rapper, thus making him stand out from the local scene, he doesn't care. "Music has saved my life, I love every minute of it. And I want you to feel like I am your voice when you can't express yourself".
Influenced by many artists such as Dave Melillo, Brand New, and The Early November, Tomy only expects greatness from himself. "If you analyze my music you can hear every single one of my influences, they all taught me something to contribute something to my music". Tomy Wilkerson has already released an Ep under his name and is currently working on the full length. "The Ep was recorded in my living room with a crappy microphone from best buy and it was filled with songs I was tired of playing/recording this album will be different."
The Meaning of the name is pretty simple. September is when this whole thing started. "[Laughs] it all started with a really crappy recorded instrumental." Revelations means the act of revealing. "I figured since I already pour my heart on to six strings, why not make it known?"
Even though Tomy has been written off for many reasons (just like any other band), there are certain things you can't deny about him that make him stand out. Tomy is equipped with honest lyrics, catchy melodies, phrases that will make you stop and think, and the fact that you can relate. "Everyone goes through change, whether voluntary or involuntary, you can't stop it. I just decided to write about every single moment of it." Even though Tomy still has a lot of growing up to do (he's only 17) and a lot of things he still needs to experience, you can bet that The September Revelation is a name you're going to want to remember, because it won't be the last time you'll hear it.
Currently Looking For: Dedicated Fans
Before, I thought it was all about the quantity of your fans and how many you had would make you a serious musician. Due to recent events i realize that it's all about the quality. I'm not looking for people that will add me then never say anything to me ever again, I want people who are gonna listen to my music, leave me comments, send me messages and go to my shows. This entire time I thought that I had some big fan base filled with people, but then I realized that it was nothing, so my mission is to rebuild my friends list with hardcore TSR fans.
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Regardless, thanks for listening to my music. Much Love!
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