I live in Sacramento now. I am a dad who lives vicarously through his kids. I have a 8 year old knuckle head who has a crossover like AI and a 4 year old princess with huge attitude. I've been married 8 years to a great woman but she can be a little batty some times. I guess that's in the gender.I have traveled all over the world; places like Dubai, Bangkok, Singapore, Sidney, Finland, Mexico and many more. I have made the entire trip around the world, 25K something miles. So I think I am enlightened.I am continously educating myself and plan to do so the rest of my life. If you don't think you should educate yourself or think it is too late to do so you are an IDIOT...Period.I can adapt to anything and feel comfortable in any situation because I can critically think. can you??
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all Reggae, 90's Hip hop, Devin "the dude", Some new school stuff
Me myself and Irene, Ong bak, anything with killing and and special effects
Rescu Me, Sheild, The Wire, Theif, Carnivale, Curb...
Kite Runner; All of Dan Browns stuff (all his books are the same); Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; Biography of Niccolo Machiavelli; Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiroysaki (sp?); Goals by Brian Tracy; Customer Centric Selling By some dude; Confidence by Rosebeth Kanter and a whole lot of textbooks too...
my parents