(¯`·.DIAmonDS&RubiEZ&BodYdrOppED[dATsunZ profile picture


{*^ GOtta Take tHa' gOOd w/ thA' bADSMilE w/ Tha sADLOve WhaT U gOT & ReMEmBEr whaT U had ^*}

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::: wEll.............LeT'S sEE!! tHERe'S noT a wHOle LOt 2 kNOw AbOUT mE........... i'Ve lIVed In juNCTioN jUST AbOUt All MY lIfE.................. hOPE 2 nOT b stUCk hErE FoREVeR!! i JUsT gOT oUt OF a rELaTIOnShiP wItH A rEAlly cLoSE FrIENd i'Ve HaD FOr tHE lASt 5 yEArS................ sHe HAs TAuGHt ME a grEAT nUMbER OF tHINgs!!! aND i wIlL AlWAYs TRy 2 UsE WhAt i LEArNed fROM heR IN tHE fuTUre!! tRyIN' 2 mOVE On Is ThE hARd PArT, bUt i cAN uSUAlly ACComPLIsH AnyTHiNG i PuT mY hEArT To................. nOThiN cAN cOMpARe TO hAviN yOUr gIrL sTANd By youR sIDe!!! iT wOUlD b nICe 2 fINd SOmEBODY ThAt caN mAkE Me HAppy again:::..

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I GUeSs i am HErE fOr FrIENdz OVER ALl..................... bUT i REaLLy WouLD like 2 mEET tHat SpECiAl GiRL THat's OUt THere............. u KNOw!! tHE oNE tHAT Can PUt A sMIle On MY FAce EvERy Day............... wHO dOESn'T HAvE A dRAmA FiLLEd LIfE............... a GiRL THaT CAn B THerE WheN i NEEd Her THe mOST, AND rEAllY WAnTS tO mAKe SOmeThiNG oF HeRSelf!!!

.::bAZIliON_ fRIeNDs::.

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You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you maY not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
You drink early and often. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes alone. All the party needs is you! What's Your Beer Personality?


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My Blog

"!! i WOuld TAke !!"

"!! i WOUld MucH RAtheR TAke A giRL, WitH A Book IN Her HAND, rATheR THAn A BeeR In HER HANd.......... !!"
Posted by (¯`·.DIAmonDS&RubiEZ&BodYdrOppED[dATsunZ] on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:19:00 PST


Little Johnny was 7 years old and like other boys his age rathercurious.He had been hearing quite a bit about 'making out' from the older boys, and he wondered what it was and how it was done.One day ...
Posted by (¯`·.DIAmonDS&RubiEZ&BodYdrOppED[dATsunZ] on Mon, 08 May 2006 11:20:00 PST

Why do we run?

Why do we run...................from the things we truely love, and care for??  Why do we turn our backs, on the people that most truely care for us??  Do we seek fulfilness, or Love from th...
Posted by (¯`·.DIAmonDS&RubiEZ&BodYdrOppED[dATsunZ] on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 05:09:00 PST

Any artistic people left?

I was just thinkin...............everybody is always so busy with life, do they ever slow down to enjoy it any more???   Does everybody just take it for granted, or are there still people th...
Posted by (¯`·.DIAmonDS&RubiEZ&BodYdrOppED[dATsunZ] on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 11:36:00 PST