Anime, Manga, swords, drawing, reading, writing, legos, Gameboy, computer, Morrowind, D&D, hiking, backpacking, horsback riding, camping, sex, kitty cats, my girlfriend
I wanna meet people who wanna meet me. Are you nice? Are you fun? Do you like art? how about anime and manga? D&D? camping or backpacking? good books? Long walks on the beach? Sweet, we should be freinds!
BOND, african, austrailian, scottish, celtic, the decemberists, the postal service, death cab for cutie, just about anything that sounds interesting
Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausica, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, The Thirteenth Warrior, Hidalgo, The Last Samurai, Waterworld, Starwars, Stargate, LOTR, Lots-o-disney, lots more anime
Stargate, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Eureka, Heroes, Smallville
Shanarra, LOTR, Dragon Weather, T.A. Barron, Eragon, Harry Potter, C.J. Cherry, Jan Seigel
Hayao Miazaki, Christopher Paolini, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, my mother, my grandpa