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I am here for Friends

About Me

About me, hmmm lets see...My name is Suzanne but everyone calls me Suzy or Zanna. I'm both a British and a U.S Citizen as my mum is from England. I'm planning to finish this next year at SOU and transfer to college in Yorkshire, England to finish my nursing/psychology degree. I'm completely in love...and I know being in England is where I need to be right now, living and learning with my family. It's where I'm happiest in this world so far. I want to make a difference. I want people to see me for who I am and want to be, but I know that I have to work on that person before anyone can truly see who she is. I don't want to worry about things anymore, I just want to start over fresh and stop hiding behind the face of a "bitchy girl". I am a nice person, and even though some people don't take the time to find that out, it's okay because there is enough people in my life that know it already. I'm self-conscious at times, and half the time I don't know what the hell I'm doing or talking about. I'm working on it though. I'm trying to be the bigger person, and even though I'm extremely sarcastic I can't help it, it's who I am so live with it...or don't it's your choice. I've gone through a lot of shit in the past few years. It's pretty much changed who I am today (for good and bad) I’m trying to work on that too, all in time. I want to be the positive, happy, know who you are and what you want type of person like I used to be...I know I can be still, I just have to overcome that pile of shit that accumulated over the last few years and I'll be good. I'm loud, obnoxious, and think I'm a bitch, but I’m just honest. If you want to know anything else just ask :)
♥ ♥ ::A good HUG:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::Watching the clouds go by:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::The feel of the wind blowing through my hair:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::The sound of the ocean on a windy day:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Moonbows:: ;) ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::Taking walks on the beach:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Listening to Music:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::A good movie:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Getting that call or text from a special someone, that always just seems to make you smile:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::Just smiling:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Sketching pictures:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::Taking long drives:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Taking Pictures:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::Laughing til my belly aches and there's tears coming down my cheek:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Joking and being Silly:: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ::Spending time with my family:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Hanging out with my friends:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::A good cup of blended coffee from the drive up stands back home:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Going new places, experiancing something new:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::People who are in the service - I'll take one hot man in a uniform please:: ;) ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Playing Violin in Chamber Orchestra:: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ::Learning new songs on the piano:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::Learning from my mistakes:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ::The little details in life that people tend to forget:: ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ::The feeling of being in love, even when I don't know what that feels like:: ♥ ♥♥ ♥

My Interests

♥MY FAMILY♥ ♥My Life♥
♥.::Let me tell you a little about my top 4::.♥
She is my sister and best friend in this world. I am blessed to have her in my life, and so thankful for everything she does for me. Mostly by taking responsibility for me, and letting me live with her. It’s tough, and we struggle, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love her.
♥.::Aunt Becky aka Aunt Mom::.♥
The strongest most beautiful person in my life. She is my rock. The person I look up to most. The one who can make me smile and laugh no matter what, and keep me awake during long road trips screaming "F*(K" as loud as possible :)
The best brother/cousin I could ever dream of. So full of life and sprit, gets his funny from his mother (i love you Aunt Becky), always up for a good wrestle (prolly because I'm really bad at it lol), and he has the biggest heart I know of.
Kelly is amazing! She's a cousin I got along with right away, like I had known her my whole life. She welcomed me into our family with open arms and makes me wish I were back home with the family more than anything. She is the mother of the cutest little boy, Bradley. And is always wishing for the best, which I love! Miss you loads Kelly, we'll party it up soon k! love you! xxx
♥.::These 4 people have helped make me who I am today. They are my family, the ones I would never want to live without. Each one is so beautiful and precious to me in so many ways. They all have a place in my heart, and I am blessed to have them in my life::.♥

♥ ♥ I believe that life is too short and precious to sit back and let it go by. It's not worth living life curved by other people's opinions on how you are supposed to live it. I believe you should love wholly, and once you have found love don't let it go. Life seems to always find a way to be repetitive, until that one day when you are thrown a curve ball. I say run with it. God has a plan for everyone, and I think and feel that if you just trust him everything will work out in the end.
♥Get To Know♥ ♥Me♥
ThIs Or ThAt
McDonalds or Burger King *: Burger King
Burger or Hotdog ~: Burger
French fries w/ or w/o ketchup *: Either or
2% or skim milk ~: Organic 2%
Chocolate or Vanilla *: Vanilla
Pepsi or Coke ~: PEPSI
Fruit or Vegetables *: toughie, but Veggies
Preppy or Goth ~: Comfortable
American Eagle or Hot Topic *: American Eagle
Polo or Tee-shirt: Polo
Jeans or Shorts: Jeans
Long Sleeves or Short Sleeves: Short
Baggy or Tight ~: Fit
Heels or Sneaks *: Sneaks
Folder or Binder ~: Binder
Pen or Pencil *: Pencil
English or Science ~: I love my English teacher, but I hate English. Go figure.
Math or History *: Algebra
French or Spanish ~: I hated SPANISH! and SOU is making me take it again.
Gym or Lunch *: Lunch fo sho
Flex or Studyhall ~: StudyHall
Classwork or Homework *: Classwork! Who the hell likes homework? Thats crazy!
Music or Art ~: Music is art, and I love both
Buy or Bring Lunch *: I buy. Usually Janna and I will take our lunch together and go to the Creek.
Bus ride to school or Bus ride home ~: I have a car suckaz! leaving school...
::oPpOsItE sEx:: What's better..
Long or Short Hair ~: Both ~ But not like ass long hair...Hot hair ;o)
Blue or Brown Eyes *:
Nice smile or nice teeth ~: If you had nice teeth wouldn't you have a nice smile?
Good looks or personality *: Personality
Athletic or lazy ~: haha...whatever makes him happy, but not someone that is rediculously lazy
Smart or stupid *: Not a dumb ass! ~ Smart.
Outgoing or shy ~: Outgoing
Funny or Serious *: Funny
Negative or Positive ~: Positive
Critical or Caring *: Both
Sarcastic or Complementing ~: Both
Baseball or Football *: Football
Hockey or Soccer ~: Hockey
Tennis or Lacrosse *: Lacrosse
Golf or Volleyball ~: Golf
Track or Swimming *: Swimming
Skiing or Snowboarding ~: Snowboarding
Boxing or Wrestling *: Wrestling
Basketball or Dance ~: Dance
Team or Alone *: Team
Watching or Playing ~: Both
Indoor or Outdoor *: Doesn't matter
Quarter or Halves ~: Quarter
Winter or Summer *: Winter
Spring or Fall ~: Spring
Contact or Non-contact *: Contact
Heavy Metal or Punk ~: Rock
Pop or Rap *: Pop
R&B or Classical ~: R&B
Country or Emo *: Country
50 or Snoop ~: Snoop or 50
Led Zepplin or Ozzy *: Ozzy
Good Charlotte or Sum 41 ~: Both...Sum 41
Britney or X-tina *: Christina
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name: Suzanne
nicknames: Zanna, Suzie
age: 17
birthday: Feb 12th
location: Not in Hawaii or England, Ashland OR.
school/grade: Ashland/12th
backgrounds: We all have them
siblings: Sister Michelle, "brother" Anthony
straight/bi/gay: Straight
job: I'm lazy. lol. Pacific Domes.
hair color: Brown
eye color: Brown
height: 5'6''
ethnicity: Pasty White
label: Loud
look like a celeb: I've heard Lindsey Lohan...I think it's the freckles
dye your hair: Yeah, I have.
have bangs: neg
have braces: Never
wear glasses: Reading
wear contacts: nope
piercings: 6 – 5 in my ears, and my nose
tattoos: For my Birthday
color: Purple
movie: Benchwarmers
tv show: Grey's Anatomy, House, Family Guy
animal: Dog
food: Chicken fettuccine alfrado
drink: Water...or fruity Alcohol
alcoholic drink: Mai Tai!
car: Bentley Continental GTC
day of the week: Friday
season: Fall
song: Too many
sport: Football or Fighting
radio station: Kiss FM, KRWQ, Kat Country, KZZE
resturant: Omars
teacher: Mrs. Hernandez
class: My outs! lol. Orchestra? English? Art. (w/ the cute boy)
holiday: Christmas
quote: It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but an entire life to forget them
book: I don't like to read much
magazine: Cosmo!
flower: Roses
memory: Being surrounded by love, and having no worries in the world
tv channel: abc, fox, disney lol
person you hugged: Neil
person you kissed: Ryan
thing you said: Shut up!
thing you ate: Alfrado
imed: Justin
texted: Aunt Mom
you called: Alex
called you: My dad
person you saw: My mom
you have a long convo with: Janna
prettiest: They are all pretty! But Kacie and Jess are HOT..oo and SHANE hehe
stupidest: I don't know...
smartest: ehh...friggen Roxanne :)
best house: Alessandra, Amy's Dad, or's a toss up
best car: Me...I miss my car :( ...Kacie, or Ale
best parents: I love everyones Parents...but probably Kacies or Alessandras...Well...Ryan D’s
loudest: Johnnie
funniest: oh shit. Idk I always have good laughs with Mandy.
craziest: Janna
most shy: I thought Roxanne...boy was I wrong. :)
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend: Michelle T
always has parties: I'm the only one that has there own house so I usually have the parties
best girl friend: Margaret
best guy friend: Greg. Lol. Work is so fun I
known the longest: Roxanne and Brittany C.
known the shortest: My friend Brittany in Hawaii and Jess
look up to the most: Alessandra
opinionated: Greg, Shane and Andrea
athletic: Sophie D!!
most likely to pass out drunk: Mandy for sure and Michelle. lol
to go streaking: Amy hehe
become a cop: lol thats a
become famous: Alessandra
kill someone: haha…hmmm it would be a team effort.
try to take over the world: Brent
summer or winter: Winter
dog or cat: Dog
pepsi or coke: Pepsi
cellphone or ipod: Cellphone
ocean or pool: Ocean
black or white: Black
chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
flowers or candy: Flowers
rock or rap: Both
tv or movie: Depends my mood but movies
aim or myspace: Msn
stars or hearts: Hearts
bracelet or necklace: Bracelets
gold or silver: Silver
brunette or blonde: Brunette
kisses or hugs: Both...hugs
pen or pencil: Pencil
lb or oc: OC
drank: Yes...Rum and Coke
smoked: Never
failed a test: Yep
had sex: nope
been home alone: Yes
stayed home from school: I skip A LOT
been to the mall: Yep
bought a book: ha thats funny
been to a show/concert: Yes seen and been in
yelled at someone: Everyday
got into a fight/argument: Unfortunatly
cried to a friend: Maybe? Cried over a friend...
told the truth: Yes
told a lie: Yes
been out of state: No, so close to England.
iN Y0UR R00M
tv: Yes
your own phone: My Cell Phone
your own phone line: Cell
vcr: No
dvd player: At my moms
radio: Yes
computer: No
posters: No, but I have Plants~
of what?: Dried roses, and 4 alive plants!
pictures: SO MANY!! They're everywhere
of who?: Me, My Friends, My Family!
taken or single: Single
got a crush: Kinda
name pleaseee: I call him cute boy. I know his name, but I dont know him very well so it might not be safe to say. Oh and I love Greg and Neil from work. ;)
how far have you gone: Far enough
how far do you want to go: I wont die a virgin...
last person you said i love you to: My Sister
1::: Michelle
2::: Mom
3::: Dad
4::: Aunt Mom
5::: Anthony
6::: Margaret
7::: Alessandra
8::: Mandy
9::: Roxanne
10::: Kacie
1::: Music (listening & Playing Violin & Piano)
2::: Movies - Especially Funny ones!
3::: Writting
4::: Taking Pictures
5::: Driving
6::: Having fun & Laughing
7::: Not worrying
8::: Spending Time with the people I love
9::: Going to the Lake...or ocean when I move
1::: Liars
2::: Lint/hair
3::: Being Alone
4::: Being Bored
5::: When People are mad at me
6::: Failing
7::: Not having money
8::: Getting up early for school
1::: Love
2::: Family
3::: Friends
4::: Laughter
5::: Hugs
6::: Music
7::: Hot Guys lol
1::: Jeans
2::: Gray shirt
3::: Sweat Shirt
4::: Hawaiian Necklace
5::: Rings
6::: Bracelets
1::: Hanging out with Friends
2::: Laughing
3::: Talking on the Phone w/ someone I like
4::: Taking a shower
5::: Sleeping
1::: Strip Poker on Prom Night
2::: Going to work and hitting on Greg for fun.
3::: Anything with my mom
4::: Any of the many crazy stories w/ my friends
1::: A plane to get me off the island
2::: My camera to take pictures
3::: A computer w/ internet to send the pictures & talk to my friends
1::: My family
2::: Being happy
1::: My mom
DiD Y0U...
like the survey: Sure
wish it were over 5 minutes ago: I have nothing else to do atm
lie about anything: nope.
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I'd like to meet:

♥ ♥ The person I will spend the rest of my life with :) unless of course I have already found him, then I'd just like to know.

Create yours at!


I have such a random span of different genres that I listen too. Pretty much I like everything, it just depends the mood I'm in. According to my Ipod I like Country/R&B/Hip-Hop & Rap the most...prolly country. Music inspires me. I love to grow and learn with it. Working with music in any form is fantastic to me. Enya inspires me, almost all of the songs I have learned so far on piano are hers. I don't know what I would do with out music. Playing, singing, or listening to it is essential to my life. I ♥ IT! :)


Movies are great. I love anything that will make me laugh. And with my mind there is a wide variety of things to choose from. ;) Some movies I like are, Hitch, Wedding Crashers, Garden State, American Pie Movies, Harry Potter Movies (I know I'm a child), Deuce Bigalow, Mr. and Mrs Smith, Meet the Fockers, Napolean Dynamite, Adam Sandler movies, Disney Moves!!!, Martin Lawrence is really funny! White Chicks, Man on Fire, Matt Damon is really hot so movies with him...ahhh, gone is 60 seconds, Brad Pitt - Troy. The Lord of the Rings movies, um...Butterfly Effect, The Saw movies were funny (that's terrible I know, but they were)...Well you get the point, I like everything.


hmmm...Okay, so when I watch tv it's because I just got home from work, I'm tired, and I don't feel like doing my homework. I LOVE the show Greys Anatomy. I used to be obsessed with House, and then I found Greys. Something about it makes me love it. My other fav. is Family Guy. It's just too funny. hehe. Other than that f-tv, it's a waste of life. Even tho I am guilty of yeah.


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Jesus, Firefighters, EMT's, Cops, Army/Navy/Air Force people basically everyone wearing uniforms that risk their lives to help others. My family.
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My Blog

Flight 1031

Flight 1031   "Attention passengers of flight 1031 serviced to Oakland. The flight has been delayed until further notice, due to a traffic hold up on the H3."       ...
Posted by Suzy on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:00:00 PST

I'm doing it again!

I have been back home for a week and half. Lame as this may seem, I am already getting sick...AGAIN!...and yes, I have ALREADY found someone to like. Luck would have it, I'm on my own with both of tho...
Posted by Suzy on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 02:13:00 PST

Remember the 90's? good ol' times!

Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the orig...
Posted by Suzy on Tue, 23 May 2006 05:20:00 PST

Random, b4 bed thoughts...

I am so tired right now! But hey life's short so stay up late...I really shouldn't though. Tomorrow is the first day of the winter fine arts festival. I am really excited...kinda scared too. I haven't...
Posted by Suzy on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 10:16:00 PST

I really liked this poem! it's happy/sad!

Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow.Today was "Daddy's Day" at school, and she couldn't wait to go.But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home.Wh...
Posted by Suzy on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 11:04:00 PST

Great Advice!

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't ever supposed to ever let you down probably will.You will have your heart broken more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break he...
Posted by Suzy on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 03:24:00 PST

Friend Test! I love the results!!

What You Really Think Of Your Friends Bruce is your soulmate. You truly love Margaret. You consider Roxanne your true friend. You know that Alessandra is always thinking of you. You'll rememb...
Posted by Suzy on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 06:16:00 PST

The beauty of being in "like"

           I am so HAPPY right now. Apart from me failing almost all of my classes, and missing so much school, I am the happiest person alive (well y...
Posted by Suzy on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 12:49:00 PST

I am absolutely infatuated w/ him!

I have met the most amazing person in the whole entire world! If someone were to ask about him, I would be able to talk about him for hours, and not get sick of it. I think about him habitually, ...
Posted by Suzy on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 05:43:00 PST

Friday Night Car Accident!

Friday 10:35 p.m.  Medford man, 40, arrested for DUII, reckless driving, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and three warrants, Siskiyou Boulevard and South Mountain Avenue. The man caused a traffic...
Posted by Suzy on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:21:00 PST