music/fucking about with instrumentals/writin stuff down/ necking prescription drugs and tranquilizers to see what they do ./ looking at how the world is propa fuckin up all the time./testing dick ed's/ picking hole's in fake people's lives. studing peoples trust me iv got a gift for it ,u can tell loads by peoples body language and eye contact. love lookin at things from a different side. like some people think ya look bad others with think ya just a twat.
Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
24 Years young
Northen Gutter by An Old Cold Coal Mine
Current Location
Hair Color
Eye Color
big enuff to be small
the north
Your fears
going deaf
Your weakness
Goal for today
wake up. stick dubstep on
Goal for this year
get more dubstep tunes
Lifetime goal
become a radio/studio owner
When do you want to get married?
about 30
and to whom?
sweet lady called ??
Ever been in love?
yeah And it Sucked.well she did lol
Currently in love?
only with Dubstep
Do you think you are attractive?
Nar im a northan coal-miner cant see my face for the soot
Your best physical feature
my shove arm lol nar my eyes i recon
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi...
gone skinny dipping...
been beaten up...
how to say no with out feelin bad
wanted to kill someone...
yeah my ex-girlfrend
gone a week without MySpace...
yes cors i have have a life ya know
gone a week without TV...
yea only when my tv got stolen lol
Who's the last person to...
kiss you...
a pissed up lady lol
say hi to you...
talk to you...
my bro
What's the last...
Time you cried?
over my dad..'s death
Store you've been in?
alldays .for beers
Can you...
if im pissed yeah
Speak a different language?
trying to ..japaneze
yes cors im northen..want chips been and pies
Write w/ both hands?
Finish the line...
If I had a
I would
brake in2your shed
So I can
ride your chopper while u sleep
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LADY'S/DJ'S/MC/BEATMAKERS/ OTHERS REALY .. Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
uk-hiphop dupstep grime .60. too much here realy ,,necro .ill bill ..taskforce .alKline trio .skinnyman braintax .non-phixion. benifit. hilltop hoods. artic monkeys indie/emo. devilman /w midland mafia. b-ham madchester dubstep.L dot man. unorthadox.
Pass along this small tribute, copy this code.
chopper madmax MANGA/aname akira.808city black jack. every zombie film in the world (lol and sickkle) redeye. lothing lasvagas.51st state. waterworld. kenbigley got his keck tek off.(plan B)lots more
hmm well tv sucks but does make me cukkle sometimes..eastenders(dont like it all the time)simpsons.famaly hunger force. and blatently docu's
how to say NO without feeling bad (real booksrc="" width=325 height=287 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="never" quality="high"
I Miss My Dad This is For malcom franks Tell The Angel's to look after ya or they will have2deal with me!!.Fuckin Miss ya Propa Mad Like!! .Ill See ya Soon Tho X ...RIP NANA ill Come play bingo soon So put the kettle on up there! . RIP GRANDAD DESMOND Miss Ya Aswell .. A .,see now the familys not how it was!! Still Can only Look Forward !backstabers(southside family not north),LIFE IS FUCKED
UP but make's ya stronger Still .Use My Mind To Keep The Memory alive!.Bless !!!!!!..