my name is stefanie profile picture

my name is stefanie


About Me

i'm stefanie, i want to go to college

My Interests

damn, i could really go on forever. let's see once again, i like to read, draw, doodle, music, collecting flyers, listening to NPR, recording songs off the radio, art, my family, books, newspaper, pictures, Diana Reyes, y los angeles de charley, jeje, cleaning my room, sleeping, AI, dancing, eating, Tootsie, 93.3 La RAza, that new Madonna song! hmmmm, i don't know what else... lots else,

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet.......lots of people, and that's the truth


The Amantes!!!! spice girls, Lauryn Hill, beatles, elvis presley, elli noise, lila downs, madonna, anything, seriously anything


hmmm, i like a lot of movies, but i want to write a list of movies i hope to see and whoever reads this maybe wants to let me borrow, jeje, one day i will see them! 1. Temporada de Patos 2. Jarhead 3. Crash 4. Transamerica 5. Junebug 6. X Men 3 7. Mission Impossible 3 8. that's all i can remember right now


Lost, My Name is Earl, the old That 70's Show, the simpsons, link tv, fstv, project runway, the daily show with jon stewart, south park, i used to be addicted to this telenovela amor en custodia, not anymore, woohoo, but now it is Rebelde...update about longer addicted to rebelde....but now i'm starting to like ER but i will kick the habit before it gets too bad


too few, i want to read more My Summer Reading List Jane Eyre Anna Karenina The Brothers Karamazov Cien Años de Soledad

My Blog

this is a survey of me

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:stefanieBirthday:4488Birthplace:SJ, CACurrent Location:San JoseEye Color:brownHair Color:brownHeight:jajaRight Handed or Left Handed:rightYour Heritage:mexicana...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 12:26:00 PST


awww shit!!! i was so excited cause i found my cousins band in Mexico had a myspace and then my sister totally ruined it because then she said she already knew, yeah, took the excitement out of it and...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


aw man i m so sad shes NOTHING without her...i shrivel into the depths of my dark and bitter (oh so bitter) SOUL. The sun dont shine when she aint arond. i am currently crying a river of...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Am i the only one that doesn't understand this <3???? what's that supposed to be everyone does it and i just don't understand it, it's taken me lots of hard thought and i think I have guessed correctl...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

week end

My weekends really suck i can't wait for them during the week but when they come i forget all i wanted to do...i went to go see Medea with SARA on friday crazy play it was really good, i liked their j...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm addicted!!!!!
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

secind day

my second day with my space whew, it's better, i wrote a bunch of crap on me but it's really just a lot of crap that took up a lot my time but its cool maybe i'll keep it up or something....i wonder w...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm totally hooked it's so entertaining damn it! i just read other people's shit and it's funny.  some people are really funny and others are stupied funny like that one girl who wrote my own wor...
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


this is kinda boring sorry
Posted by my name is stefanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST