I dont really have time for anything aside from studio projects , when i am in school, so i suppose i am interested in Architecture. I do like shopping, playing with my puppy Leigan and hanging out with my husband, going to movies and hanging out with my one friend when i have time. I also would like to say that i really love throwing parties with my brother but he needs to hurry up and get done playing in the endless sandbox we call Iraq and get home for "prom".
Everyone who's favorite movies are Red Dawn and Legend. Oh and anyone who thinks the funniest thing in the world is thinking about what would happen if dracula monkeys were real and running around causing mass chaos. Seriously though that is pretty damn funny.
I hate music too. Which you can tell by my page, I mean it is rather obvious.
Holy Crap there are so many movies that i like. I like almost every kind of movie aside from westerns and old crappy love stories. Anyway I am a huge fan of horror movies and 80's movies. I dont descriminate against horror movies, I love them all, even the awesomely bad horror movies(ghost house). I don't descriminate against cookies either but that is a different category (why don't they have a food category?).
TLC's What Not to Wear because Clinton looks like my brother and Stacey reminds me of Eliza and they are kinda vicious which i am too so it is the show for me apparently.
I havent read any books for fun in a really long time. However the latest books i have read are The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Gilman and I Love My Rifle More Than You, and Devinci Code (well book on tape driving home to SD). I need to read more books but i really dont have time and if i do i would rather go to the park or just relax.
Borat and my brother Corhey Redbeard Hilter Rodrego.