That's simple, my interest have gone back to my loves passion, surf, weight lifting, running, travel, fine food and wine (Vegetarian baby!!!) Or if you want a simpler answer, I like music, movies, cooking, long walks on the sidewalk, and listening to poetry by candle light, oh and puppies, and some other shit that I guess makes me look sensitive and romantic, right?!?!?!?!
I read a quote today, that I think was beyond telling of where my mind is at, and what I need:"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
Groucho MarxSo, who would I like to meet, happy people. Not the people who feign happiness through ignorance, but truly happy people that appreciate their life and those around them. That no matter the course of the day, they know that tomorrow is another day to start fresh. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to move forward, it never seems like there is enough time to make any changes, to clear your problems, to move forward. But if thats the case, then why stress when you can do all you can today, for tomorrow is another day to continue the work you begun. For to long, I've just kinda, looked for happiness from people, places, adventures, "things" to bring joy, but in all honesty, joy is already here, inside, in the heart. We live, we die, what we do in between is up to us to make of it what we will. I choose happiness. There's to much darkness in the world today to allow your world to be one filled of solitude, if you don't choose to shine light on it, then who or what will? Certainly not "things", for a moment maybe, but then what? It's all about the joy and love that you feel in your heart, for yourself, for the world that you constantly create on the daily, that's what really matters. The rest is just window dressing. If you feel me, then your someone that i would like to meet.
(future babies momma lol)
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Monica Sharp, is there anything else? ;-) But the music interest is all over the place, Drumb and Bass, deep house, Neo Soul, Acid Jazz, Classical, Funk, blues, anything that makes me think, anything that takes me to another place. To me, my music has to be something that touches me, not in a dirty vatican sort of way, but that touches your soul. Sober or "on", when I hear it, it takes me to that place where I just want to move. And not in some lame ass, Laffy Taffy or any of the other 10 songs that seem to dominate the airways, but like when I hear, some King Britt, Dorzia, Fabio and Groove Rider, Carl Cox, Monica!, Sandia, Lorne, (Cats sleep on Philly flava), but artist that know how to take it to that next level, people that let their love of the music flow through.
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The Shield, 24, Nip Tuck, OZ, Miami Vice (I'm an 80's baby!), Boston Legal, Iron Chef (the original, not that American lame ass remake), The Wire, Entourage, thats about it for now, don't watch that much TV, and when it comes to "Reality" TV, F them all, I live "Reality", I don't need a director showing me what life is suppose to be.
Mob over Miami, Jack: Straight from the Gut, Born To Steal: When the Mob hit Wall Street, Black and White on Wall Street, Club Land: The Murderous Rise and Fall of Club Culture, The Football Factory, everything by Chuck Palahniuk, he wrote Fight Club, this man is a pure Genius.
My father and mother, and more importantly myself. If I can't look in the mirror every morning and give myself strength to survive whatever life throws at me, the hell would someone else's story do for me? Life is a simple thing, one of my favorite books had a quote that I couldn't agree with more, “You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.â€. My parents instilled everything I need from birth, they gave me life, they taught me the tools I needed to survive, it's up to me to decide my own destiny in how I wish to apply them.