Hyun-Jung profile picture


Quintessential INTJ...

About Me

Been playing poker on the net for the last 7 years and running www.madpokerprops.com. Calling all poker players...don't waste another minute paying the house rake. Email [email protected] or click here: Get paid to play poker AND improve your game. As for me personally? I work hard and play hard...die trying right? Nothing else much to say but I'm a little socially retarded/social phobic...tend to be a nerd and I think I'm a man stuck in a woman's body. And for all the rabbit hunters, I'm ALWAYS flopping the nuts!If you want to know anything else, ask me. I miss you Alfie. RIP 7.22.07 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

My Interests

poker, real estate, my puppies, sarcasm, sports betting, OTB, fantasy football, movies, sleeping, eating, saving the animals-especially the puppies, staying home, wine tasting. piano and guitar when i have time, chess, golfing, goldentee, shooting pool and telling people that jeanette lee is my cousin then running the table from their fear. oh and hee sop choi is my second cousin and kj choi is my uncle via marriage. i am not related to margaret cho. dominating in darts (cricket). tiger woods golf, super smash, mario golf...other than that-poker, poker, poker...oh did i mention poker?

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, my Grandpa(s), Grandma and Alfie...but they're dead. so i guess i'll settle for you.


Guns and Roses could of been the greatest band EVER! I was in a music video! My 2 seconds of fame: "Automatic" by Less than Jake. ChiTown you knows @ the Metro ("can't get any better than this" - swisher sweets)...can anyone else see / find me in this video?..


love stinks, meet the robinsons, cars, talladega nights, grandma's boy, the incredibles, october sky, tae guk gui, casino, happy gilmore, van wilders national lampoons vacation, friday, harold and kumar go to white castle, good fellas, shawshank redemption, grumpy old men, grumpier old men, wedding crashers, good luck chuck, coming to america, trading places, animal house, predator, dogma, four rooms, big trouble in little china, fight club, pulp fiction, resevoir dogs. i would say rounders but that movie was completely predictable, ...basically any comedy or any great action flick.


curb your enthusian, sports, SNL, sportscenter, around the horn, and some reality tv. like old school tv, today's shows just don't compare. regardless, don't watch too much tv anymore, basically background noise.


"Internet Texas Holdem: Winning Stragtegies from an .. Pro" by Matt Hilger, "Happy 27th Birthday or whatever" by Annie Choi


my parents, my bro howard, my real, true friends - both old and new friends a like who continue to stick by me. And of course Jesus, not the hispanic...as in Jesus Christ

My Blog

SSIGI-Congress Moves to Suspend Internet Gaming Ban

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Michael Waxman(202) 872-0010 or (202) [email protected] Moves to Suspend Internet Gambling BanCurrent law unduly burdens U.S. financial services in...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:41:00 PST

World Trade Organization Rules UIGEA Is Illegal

March 31, 2007Jonny VincentPokerNews.comhttp://casino.pokernews.com/news/2007/4/ world-trade-organization-rules-uigea-illegal.htmBloomberg.co m reported yesterday that the World Trade Organization (WTO)...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:13:00 PST

Daniel Negreanu Interview with MadPokerProps.com

Interview with Daniel Negreanu* Name: Daniel Negreanu (DN) * Profession: Professional Poker Player * Age:32 * Birthday:: July 26, 1974 * Sex: * URL: http://fullcontactpoker.comDaniel Ne...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 03:40:00 PST

Be Prepared To Be An Azzhole - When Profitable

There's a lot of advantages to online play versus brick and mortar, but none more profitable than all the information that you can have at your fingertips augmented by the information that others prov...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:39:00 PST

Write The Book On Your Opponents: Beginners Guide To Expert Player Reads

Every poker player, whether new to the game or seasoned pro, knows that being able to build a good read on your opponents is an all important key to profitable poker. What few poker players know, howe...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:23:00 PST

On Losing Streaks

See more articles at www.madpokerprops.comSince my last essay was on the subject of luck, specifically bad luck, I thought it might be a good idea to delve a little further into the subject and discus...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 01:39:00 PST

Is The Deck Stacked Against You? Not Likely.

If you've played any amount of online poker, you've undoubtedly come across conspiracy theorists who claim that the websites you're playing on are rigged. Some will try to convince you that if you cas...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:26:00 PST

MadPokerProps.com - Online Poker's Premier Prop Team

Hey All-Just wanted to give you all a heads up about the new prop opportunities with MadPokerProps.comWe arguably run the best online poker prop team on the net in addition to the best pay you can get...
Posted by Hyun-Jung on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 04:23:00 PST