Jessica profile picture


If you want to be loved you have to show some love.

About Me

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My Interests

My interest in life is achieving all my goals. 1.Giving my two beutiful kids a good example in life 2.Becoming someone succesful in life. 3.Having a wonderful man that will love me and respect me. 4.Reuniting with my wonderful sister and catching up with all the lost times. 5.Learn how to forgive all that has done me wrong.


Music is my best friend. Oldies is my favorite music. latin layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments


I really dont get a chance to watch much tv but when I do I love watching scary and action movies.


I like to read books that tell you how to achive in life and soap operas.


My hero is God he is that one that has always looked out for me and the people that surround me. Ive been thru so many ups and downs. And no matter what he will always be there to save me.