down to eaRth and can be very cheezy. i like to make people laugh because i LOVE to lAugh anD smiLe!! :P IF U WANNA KNO MORE ABOUT ME hiT me uP on aIM: kar3ntoast [PGPROPS2GMA] 0_o
kiCkin it, tenNis, eat, sleep, bein lazy, and doin whatever comEs up.
*//i wanna meet yoUH! ^_^/hoLLA!!/*him, her, u, everyone!! except for few acceptions :X* always down to meet new friends.
[+pLus+] people who make me laugh! and people with ambitions. [-nEG-] FAKE/liArs, players, conceited peeps, backstabbers, shit talkers, betches, DRAMA people are mean so fuk off. XP *AND guys who just add girls for their collection :O
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