Anyone that's NOT....Ignorant, Fake, Obnoxious or Immature.
Basically anyone that has a brain..... ;)~
I really don't have a preference....I can rock to punk, shake it to R&B & hip hop, but I love music in other languages....I am diverse enough to listen to something at least once....
I love to listen to music and contemplate things in my life....I find direction in music.
I love all kinds of movies....Romantic, Girly, Comedy and Action movies like XXX W/ Vin Diesel... (not course just like most girls...I have my Fav's Pretty Woman Dirty Dancing The Sweetest Thing
I am not really into TV too much... I do watch Law & Order all of them....And I am addicted to this yrs American Idol. I mostly watch anything on MTV especially if it's a reality show. I'm NOT into Sci-Fi or anything like that....
Is COSMO a book ??? :) .............This is MY book....Read all about me...!!
AbOut yOurSeLf*
NamE: ♥Becky♥
NicknamE(s): They call me "DIGS"...I won't tell you why....LOL
AgE: 25
BirThDatE: October 25th.....Total Scorpio
BiirthplAcE: Lowell
CurREnt locAtiOn: Same, Don't think I'll ever leave
EyE cOlOr: Brown
Hair cOlOr:
NatiOnality: I'm a total mut....
BiGGesT fEar: Love :)~
RiighTy or lEfty?: Righty
bEst physicAl fEaturE(s): Eyes
whAt yOu wanna bE whEn you grOw up? Never grow up
dO yOu likE sOmEonE? EVERYONE....
dO yOu gEt along wit yah ParEnts? Yup
do yOu baleiVe in yahsElf? Of course, if i don't who will ?
placE: San Diego
sOng: Different every week, Anything to shake my ass...
mOvIe: XXX w/Vin Diesel...Gotta love him
shOw: Anything MTV Reality
bOok: Cosmo.... :)
anImal: Men
spOrT(s): Baseball
actOr: I love Adam Sandler
actrEss: Ashley Judd
fOod: Mexican...i like spicy
banD: Bowling for Soup
Thiis oR thAt:
Pepsi or CokE? Pepsi
MovIes in a thEatre- or movIes at hOmE? Home...
flOwErs or candy? Flowers of course...
baskEtball or basEball? Baseball
quIet or lOud? Loud Club
fun or boring? FUN :)
cOokiEs or cupcakEs? hmmmm...Not sure
YankEes or Red sOx? RED SOX !!
SingLe or grOup dAtEs? Single...Not sure what could happen :)
In a Boii/ Giirl
Eye CoLor: Doesn't matter
Hair cOlor: Along as he has some
ShOrt hair or long? not to short, not to long
TannEd oR lighT? Tanned...
Tall oR shOrt? Tall
Fiirst thinG yOu nOtticE? Ass...Arms....Wallet (just kidding)
styLe: Whatever he looks good in...
natiOnality: Whatever as long as he is not an Asshole..
Do yOu...?*
HavE a boy/giRl friEnd? Nope..Not today
LikE to cuDdlE? yup
listEn tO musiC? yup
gEt drunK? yup,yup,yup
smOkE? yup
watcH pOrn? i ??
driivE? yup
plAy spOrtS? nope
wanT tOgEt marriEd? Yup Some day.
havE kIds? Def..but not today
HavE yOu eva..?*
gOten arrEstEd? Plead the 5th..
bEen finEd or warnEd? yup
bEen usEd? No...
bEen chEatEd on? nope
chEatEd on sumOnE? yup...Sorry...He was a REAL ASS !!
bEen rejEctEd?
rEjEctEd soMeonE? yup
gOttEn drunk? Ya...Who hasn't ?
gOttEn high? Ummmm...I can't
WhEres thE onE placE you havE to vIsit b4 u DiE? Portugal,Brasil...anywhere that has party's
WhErE do you wanna livE? Right here in LOWELL or Brasil
dO yOu play an instrUmEnt?
whAt spOrts do yah play?
any pEts?
hOw many brOthErs/SiStErs dO yOu havE? 1 older brother ? ....I'm the baby
do yOu likE big families or small? big....
anY rEgrEts frOm tha pasT? Absolutly not....All that shit made me who i am today...
♥My MOM !! She is the person that Inspires me the most, She had to make something of herself with 2 kids and no support....She has exceeded peoples expectations and inspired me to make something of myself. I never appreciated her before and now I regret anything I did to make her sad or cry.♥