Irony, Red Bull, gin and tonic, Newcastle, red wine, The Glenlivet, baseball, interesting girls, funny movies, funny shows, funny people, sleeping, myself, you, pizza, money, spending money, receiving money, clam chowder, sushi, lobster, clams, other seafood, baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon, making out, getting paid to not work, liking my job, days off, not wearing pants, watching TV, CHINATOWN!!, laughing, falling asleep, studying logical fallacies, not waking up, swearing, music that doesn't suck, Boston, Beirut, collecting suits, spelling, ice water, milk, italian food, cheese, comfortable shoes, comfortable silences, clothes that fit, adidas, people who aren't shady, and so on
I'd also like to meet people that don't post 5+ bulletins a day. Seriously, I don't mind bulletins, but when you're 50% of them, you're deleted. That is all.
I like movies that don't suck
Arrested Development, The Office, Curb, 30 Rock
Warren Buffett