Time for a change....like the seasons, times come and go...
there is nobody like family...acquaintances come and go over a span of one's life. At the end of your road, you won't be concerned about trivial matters. You'll always be thinking of your family, what I should have done, or said.
In the times we live, it is getting more commonplace, that husbands and wives are here today and gone tomorrow. I do not envy the role that either have in today's outrageous society. That is not to say that all people think and act this way, they in fact, do not! The winners in life, land from the whirlwinds with their feet firmly planted on the ground knowing where they've been and where they are headed. They take their roles as parents seriously and initiate a plan of action, as, how to rear their children. Scholastically, common sense and a set of values. They lead by example and instill the desire for their offspring to want better and thrive in the small window of their lifetime.
Children with those backgrounds are most commonly the movers and shakers of this world, desiring to grasp the golden ring and managing to do so, while staying steady to the course and true to themselves. While they are filled with great pride in their accomplishments that have spiraled upward, steming from their roots, their credentials, generally speaking, who they are and what they do. They are the leaders of tomorrow, intelligent, principaled, embracing a quest for quality and never satisified with settling for mediocrity. Not willing to let each day slip away into the twilight without reaching for their goals, ready to seize whatever challenge that comes their way.
Remembering that life is a choice, it is up to one's self to make their own selection. girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments