New Years! Christma-queMe and Danielley Perfect lil angelsTara and meShaunna's WeddingMe and Tanya in Reno- again w/ that bottle!Aron, Tara, and meSanta Cruz On the way to raftingTara's 1st bar!Our 1st rodeo!Not me...U-da-Ho!!Oregon stateline!Watching fireworksDanielles's 21stTahoe Look at that viewMe and my cousinsUs girls @ the Hoe Ho DownMe and Danielle at the lakeMe and Shannon puttin out firesHaving a good time!!Me and the boys @ my BBQ..Folsom LakeMe and Erin @ Sophia'sThe STARTING FIVEMe and OThat me and lots of boys!!Oscrilla, Tara, me and ScottAmelia and Me @ TGIFridaysMelissa and I at Pine CoveMe and Tanya in Vegas!Melissa, me and JessicaHalloween 05Me and Kate with Cheap Trick in Reno- just a few hours before getting arrested:Our ocean view in Hawaii 05Me and the cuzins in HawaiiMy lil cuzo trying to be me!!
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Just about everything!.. width="300" height="80" ....
Goonies and The Sandlot- two old time favorites. Oh and I can't forget about Empire Records (open til midnight) and the best new movie: Napoleon Dynamite!
I love The OC- It is the best show since 90210!!LOST..greys anontomy..Football,baseball,basketball- ESPN ..and even the news sometimes to see whats going on in the world...although its probably not the best news to hear. Lifetime - television for women! haha
JESUS is my hero!! and