Many things interest me. Take snickerdoodle cookies for example. Just today I got into a discusion with some guy I don't even know about the origin of the name "snickerdoodle". As it turns out, no one knows where it came from... I checked...
Cool people... and a talking penguin. Because really, who wouldn't want to meet a talking penguin?
Beach Boys, Barenaked Ladies, Counting Crows, Ben Folds Five, etc...
Three Amigos, Airplane, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Princess Bride, Death to Smoochy, Keeping the Faith, High Society, Singin in the Rain, Spaceballs, The Jerk, That Thing you do, Labyrinth, Cool Runnings, Goonies, and all movies along the lines of Old School and Anchorman. And a lot more.
Saved by the Bell, America's Funniest Home Videos, Lost, Heros, Entourage, Family Matters, Full House...
What? Books? Oh, like Harry Potter? Yeah I like Harry Potter.
Dallas McPherson