Taken' care o gorgeous creatures, such as my three-headed dog, Fluffy, and dragons. In fact, I used to have meself a dragon, a norweigon ridgeback named Norbert, I wonder if he misses his mummy? Now well I'm gettin' off track here....I also love unicorns, spiders, and hippogriffs, why I even love me blasted-end skrewts!Pictures of me babies:
Anyone who cares for creatures the way I do.
I love playin' the flute, and the Weird Sisters are all right....
Don't watch any, too busy with ma' creatures! Plus, I don' have one in my cabin.....
Don't watch that neither
I don't trouble meself with them, not much of a speller, not much of a reader either, but I have read some books on breeding dragons.
My heroes are Albus Dumbledore, a great man and the best darn headmaster Hogwarts has ever had! Also, my dear friend Harry Potter, he is a very kind and brave lad.