Infringement Records profile picture

Infringement Records

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We're closing up the shop to focus more on the label and the website. Check us out at Everything's on sale!
Specializing in the independent and especially the local Northwest music scenes, it is our aim to turn people on to music that may have slipped under the radar over the years, and that which might be happening in their own neighbor's garage.
Inside our shop you will find thousands of CDs and LPs in the racks, as well as hundreds of music DVDs from such artists as The Clash, Elvis Costello, The Dead Boys, Murder City Devils, Love, Guided By Voices, Belle and Sebastian, and the Electric Prunes, just to name a select few. Look up and you will see over sixty different t-shirt styles lining the walls.
If, after browsing through all we have to offer, you are still unable to find exactly what you are looking for, do not fret. Chances are we can track it down for you, and we'll even take a dollar off the list price! If you are not sure what you came for in the first place, or just want to check out something new, try our listening station. It contains thousands of songs from albums that are available right here in the store. Listen to one track, or the entire album.
We are located at 2833 NE Sandy Blvd. in Portland, and open 7 days a week, from 10 am - 7 pm. You can reach us by calling 503-238-2500 or by sending us a message here on Myspace. We share our space with Centaur Guitar, making our location the only place you need to go for all your music needs.
Need extra cash? We are now buying your used CDs, vinyl, and DVDs!
Infringement Records started as a label in 1998, when Conor Ferguson released a split 7" between two bands based in his hometown of Bend, Oregon. Ten more releases followed, by bands such as Bottles and Skulls, The Anxieties, The Automatics, The Peabodys, Lopez, the RC5, Motorhome, and 800 Octane, before it was decided to move all operations to the current location in Portland.
Oh yeah, and I don't believe in ranking my friends. My top 8 is completely random (except for one!)

My Interests

Rock and roll records, double-fisting Evan Williams and PBR, playing the rock with The Peabodys, touring, 8-bit Nintendo, movies (especially gangster, monster, and irreverant comedy), reading, frisbee, hiking, sleeping, friends, pool, driving, handball, eating.

I'd like to meet:

Leonard Cohen, Jerry Lee Lewis, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Mark Mothersbaugh, Olga Algers, Humpty Hump, Nick Cave, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits, Robert Evans, and you!


The Peabodys, The Muddy River Nightmare Band, The Anxieties, Lopez, 57 Split, Bottles & Skulls, The Automatics, 800 Octane, Motorhome, Ape City R & B, The Popsters, RC5, Thrust, The Radicals, Juvenile Wreck


So many. Get me drunk sometime and I'm sure the conversation will lead to either music or books.

My Blog


Here is everything put out on Infringement Records thus far:INF-011 The Anxieties "Black Hole..." 7"INF-010 Motorhome "Black Lung plus Commando" full-length CDINF-009 57 Split "S/T" CD (coming so...
Posted by Infringement Records on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I knew it!

This is the kind of drunk I am. Not surprising, considering I spent some of my childhood in a trailer park, drinking PBR on BLM land. Which drunk are you? You're white trash kinda drunk You h...
Posted by Infringement Records on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST