Create your own friendquiz here
~My name is Lesley~
~I'm everything I am because of God~
~I'm currently a flight attendant~
~Singing is my passion~
~I lead praise and worship at my church when I can get off of work..and I love it~
~I am currently single and waiting to see who God is preparing for me. Life is not all about the opposite sex~
~Scariest thing in the world to me is something popping out at me...and/or a loud noise~
~When i'm in a bad mood, don't tell me that I am. I already know. You telling me...will make it worse..just a sidenote~
~I have taken up running. Although I can't run TOO far yet w/out's fun~
~I hate driving in thunderstorms!~
~I love to talk..sometimes too much~
~My family is my world. They along with God, make me who I am~
~I'm pretty random and enjoy hanging out w/ppl. who are random as well~
~I'm pretty much the most competitive person you'll ever meet...which also means i'm a sore loser~
~Sometimes i'm not the smartest person in the world~
~BUT-I hate it when ppl try to make me feel stupid~
~I love Sandwiches...i'm pretty much Joey Tribbiani~
~I LOVE Ashlee Simpson~
~Rachel McAdams is my favorite actress~
~So, I like "The simple life"..back off me. They're funny!~
~You want to know me~
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!