gHe profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I liKe LifE. I lOVE The WoRD LoVE and I Hate The Word HaTE. I lIke t0 be OutSide in nAtUre, The BEst PlACe to fiND TruTH, SiMpliCity, CoMPlexity and GOD. I like to chaLLenge mY MiNd aNd MakE MysElf THink BeyONd My UsuAl bORders and Try And FinD coNNections betwEEn everyTHing there is ArOUnd me to EvErything THere is on This liTTle grEEn and bLue plAnet to EvEryTHing That thErE is compLETEly.and i Also HaVe a gOOd sEnsE of HUmOr.. }

My Interests

BeiNg iN AdveNtuRes.. NatUrE trippiNg CoMPuter GaMes DaNgErous tHings wHat's nEw CookiNG VidEOke monEy TaLkS Air HOckeY GüRLs fOOd pRograME MakING fRieNds souNds nIght lIfE pC paRtS tEasiNg my frIEnds DoIng UnpreDictable ThiNGs ü..

I'd like to meet:

I DoNt WanNa TeLL YoU...Why? BecaUse SuM PeoPle reaD diS, aNd Try to Be ThE PeRsoN Who i WaNt To MeeT...JuZ Be YoURsElf! (LOLZ)Ü anyway iF you waNt to add mE giVE me youR rEsuME w/ 2X2 pictuRE.. haRHaR!


JusT MaKe ME Move And ThaTs my mUsic


MatRix tRilogy FasT And ThE FuriouS jEt li and JackY cHan movIE 40 DayS 40 NigHts 2FasT 2FuriouS aLL jaPanise HoRRor moviE


CarTooN NetWork! gUrlS BehaVinG BaDLy stRaigHt taLk fOOd nEtwoRk oNE oN oNE eXpoSe JusT FOr LauGHs SlAm BaLl nBa mtv pBa dBz myx wwpv gf sc amfv uFc chEatIng dEatH jUst for vaRiEty dEbatE MaXImum EXposUre woRLD SpoRT tHE rEd CaRpEt bEhinDE tHe sCenE


I dONT HaVE FAvoRITe bOOks buT IF i hAve TO CHooSE, BIBLE and proGRAMinG BOOks

