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About Me

Hello there, My name is Sherry Carter and I am currently a sonar technician in the United States Navy. I am a Scorpio and I am 26 years old. I've been to Italy, Spain, Greece, Dubi, Scotland, Amsterdam, and I am sure there is more. I will be leaving for another six month deployment soon and will miss my family and friends so much :( For those who believe in God please pray that me and my fellow shipmates have a safe homecoming.To my husband: It is because of your love and support that you have for me that I am where I am today. You are my world and I love you more than you will ever know.To the strongest person to have ever been a part of my life, my sister. I love you Shannon and I want you to know that I have ALWAYS with out a doupt no matter what was going on in your life looked up to you. I always will so you'll never be off the hook girl. You are so talented and unique and I will always be proud to be your sister.To all of my friends I LOVE YOU!!!!! MUAH!!!! MUAH!!!! MUAH!!!

My Interests

I love to dance and hang out with my friends. I know that's boring and corny but that is all I can think of right now.


All kinds


Forrest Gump, Pay it foward, Crash, Exorcism of Emily Rose, Texas Chainsaw, Liar Liar, well just about all of Tom hanks and Jim Carey movies.


desperate house wifes, everybody loves raymond, will and grace, lost, friends, and you just can't live without animal planet and the discovery channel.


i don't read much....i like stephen king....desperation and the eyes of the dragon are good books by him


my sister