Hey, im kristen
Im a freshmen at BMHS
Im a cheerleader ♥
I change my mind a lot
I don't usually put up with anyones crap
i can get jelous pretty easily
I still love britney spears.. and spice girls
I hate when people try to change me
I'm in with tho and heathaa for always bffes
I don't have an absolute best friend who is like my other half, no matter what you say you're not it and i wish i had one, tho probably comes closest though because we've been thorugh a ton of shit together and we've been there for eachother
Jill Powers is probably my oldest close friend
I like 97% of music and get pissed when people say i know nothing about it
I love making new friends
I like to get crunk on ocassion
Im wicked shy until you know me.. usually
Sometimes my shyness makes me seem bitchy, but i just feel like people don't like me so im quite if i don't know them.
I guess you could say i don't have a lot of confidence.
Im a lot nicer than i used to be
My screen name is wicked old and i hate it buttt its Xo2 K e M 8oX
My myspace was deleted. Add me