Daniel profile picture



About Me

to view my web site as it was intended to be viewed without the corruption of fonts, page distortion and transformation of colors as FIREFOX and OPERA do, Please use IE or AOL browsers. thanks!
2.19.07~at this time, i am not accepting friends requests but i am accepting messages, so please check out my web site below and have a great time here! thanks!!
Thanks for all of your terrific picture comments! I really appreciate them alot!
I am in the process of putting all my favorite pictures together from 1964 straight through the late 80's and early to mid 90's on a dvd-rom.. as soon as this project is done, i will be posting it all on my web site in a special section...thanks for your patience!
THANKS to all who communicate and reply to my blogs! I really appreciate it! I try to blog only when I feel it is necessary and important. You will never find me blogging about how many times i change my socks or what time i go to sleep at night ! LOL.. click here to check out all my updated blogs!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my web site! It is an honor to have you all here! Thanks alot for all your messages, comments and accolades! It is well appreciated and treasured! This web site is dedicated to all of you!
Dan's web site on myspace has been on the air since 12.20.05
Click HERE To Email me Personally. I check and answer all my email within 24 hours!
my messenger ID'S
YAHOO: bridgehorse
SKYPE: bridgehorse
AOL: bridgehorse
DEC 9TH 1980
COLUMBIA RECORDS ANNOUNCES THE RELEASE OF "ALL MY LIFE," BILLY JOEL'S FIRST NEWLY-WRITTEN & NEWLY-RECORDED POP SONG SINCE 1993's "RIVER OF DREAMS" Billy Joel's new pop single, "All My Life," will premiere on People.com from February 7 - February 14. "All My Life" will be available exclusively on iTunes From February 20 - March 6.
click here to read the full press release!
click here to listen to the new single!_____________________________________________________ ___
Having Dick Clark NOT on New Year's Rockin' Eve in normal fashion(temporarily) which bears his name, really is a terrible act of horrible loss!! I have watched Mr. Clark since 1974 count down to the bitter end and now even that has been taken away from all of us die hard Dick Clark fans like me and it is just not fair!
Watching Mr. Clark in 2005 after his stroke count down to the new year to 2006 was unbearable yet it was comforting to me in many ways that he was there to bring in the new year and showed his courage and strength and dedication!
Then in 2006, ABC put him on for the last 30 seconds of the countdown to the new year to 2007 which he skipped a number from 10 to 8 for the first time in over 35 years.. NOBODY will ever be able to replace Dick Clark EVER! I have feel like i have been ripped off somehow! the simple things in life like looking forward to Dick Clark counting down to a new year has been taken away from us!
DICK CLARK'S WEB SITE________________________________________________________ __
click here to view the bill gates presentation of windows vista from NYC!
Web sites that I check into daily. click on links below to view
click here to ask your questions (yahoo answers)
great informative and entertaining internet radio stations that i tune into when i am working online. these stations are FREE to listen! click on the links below
This introduction of myself below is NOT a personal ad as you may see on a dating service, but A short description to my friends about myself and my moods, likes and dislikes and overall character in general.
Dan Stuart White
Born: Friday, June 19th, 1964 St. Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles California
5 feet 9 inches tall, Brown hair, Blue eyes
Internet/computer junkie, worked for years in the alternative health field as a manager/supervisor for customer support, had a few college radio shows and DJ'D a few parties here and there. I love voyeurism and foreplay and have many cool and weird fetishes, but nothing scary! I am very much into health and powerwalking, bowling and dig my red wine alot and a good mini macanudo cigar once in a long while! And I really dig the 70's!!! The decade of the 70's really were very memorable in my life. Remember when a piece of bazooka bubblegum was 1 penny? and we were able to get a stick of gum in the back of our WACKY PACKAGES? Remember the MAGIC 8 BALL? and when PIZZA was 45 cents a slice in 1974 and a scoop of BASKIN ROBBINS ice cream was 40 cents in 1975? It was a tremendous decade for the best music ever put out in history in my opinion! The music from 1970-1976 was very classic, in 1978, things started to change alot and by 1979 music made a vast turnaround from its simple courageous innocent classic tunes to what I call today 'the great divide'! Many people ask me what 'the great divide' means. It is a conscious disconnection from today's society and their ways, thinking that the 1970's was better in my mind and I will hold on to that like concrete and steel! I feel more disconnected from the music (with the exception of my favorite classic artists that i dig who have new music out) and people of today's society more than any other time. I think I would go insane without fantasy and imagination and the amazing unique invention of the computer where we can spill out our fantasies and everlasting conversations. We can always simply delete or block the ones we do not feel comfortable with, however I do believe that complete communication and togetherness in reality is the best thing! but there is always a greatness to know we can always go back to the screen, a laptop that does not talk down or about one another, but does whatever you want at your command!
I am a simple guy interested in meeting new friends .. with good character, positive attitudes and who are positive thinkers as well as people with good personalities, communication skills and people who are trustworthy without anything to prove. I do not judge people and I accept people for who and what they are. It is real groovy meeting people and making new friends or maybe more. The most important aspect is the quality of a certain friendship or relationship.
I lived in New York for 35 years and I am intending to go back to New York sooner or later to visit. I used to think that there is no place like New York, but I have found out that people are the same wherever we go and it's just a different state, country or city. I am glad I made the change to a different state after all these years. I find Coral Springs Florida different than New York and better in many ways!
I am a very spontaneous person and a very moody individual.i take things one day at a time and i go with the flow..I dont really like situations that are predictable..Yes, I can be moody at times given my Gemini ways and it all depends on the rotation of the earth. I am not violent, do not have a temper and rarely get angry. I try to be optimistic and positive about situations and I do not like to dominate people. I have certain obscure and sometimes bizarre and even funny fetishes, but they are all harmless, nothing to hurt anyone, and I love foreplay. I love being the voyeur..lol..The most honest and truthful part of a photograph is when the person does not realize they are being photographed. This is their true self, no acting or portraying anyone
I like to know about people, what they are really about and their experiences in life. Silence is a killer. Communication, Trust, Character and Personality are the most important in any meeting of the minds. We should never LOOK for love or friendship. It will go to you! It will be like tripping over it!. If it goes to you, it will go to the other person the same way. I believe very strongly that God brings people together as much as he breaks them up for certain reasons beyond our control. It is a constant test of willpower, rejection and finally peace and harmony and this is what makes some of us stronger than before. I feel pressure at times is good for all of us, sometimes even to motivate us in certain ways. We all learn from our mistakes, one way or another. The most important thing is that we do not repeat the bad mistakes we have made. We know ourselves more than anyone else does, even family. We must all remember where we came from in order to know we are going and how we will get there!
Life is amazing and sometimes unpredicatable in many ways. The great part about life are the experiences and the changes. The world is certainly not the way it used to be in many ways, but this is what makes it so challenging. This is the way it is supposed to be! We must all adapt to change!

My Interests

I had the unfortunate timing of being just 100 feet away at the time the very first plane hit one of the towers on september 11th 2001. That horrific day will be one I will never ever forget!

All my friends from Myspace are invited to join the groups below..i own and manage all of them! just click on the links below to join for free! (you must have a yahoo or msn ID which are free to get)





'down the river road' was always a book that stood out in my head after all these years! i think it was one of the very first books i remember reading over and over again when i first discovered how to read, age 5 or earlier...i dont remember what the book was about, but the title and cover always stood out!

'mike mulligan and his steam shovel' an audio book that sticks out in my head all these years since the 60's! it was one of those audio books that i kept on listening to over and over again when i was 5 or 6..

danny kaye "mommy gimme a drinka water' was clearly an album (LP) that stuck in my head after all these years as well since the 60's..i remember playing this album forever...i also remember i played it so much when i was 5 or 6 that a few of the songs were scratched so bad...


bagels, lox and cream cheese! besides pizza, anything better??

I'd like to meet:

"The Great Divide" lyrics by Neil Young

In the canyons of the great divide
Familiar places
that we can run and hide
Are filled with strangers
Walking in our houses alone
In the great divide
Nothing to decide
No one else to care for or love
In the great divide
You won't fit in too well
On the horses of the carousel
She rides alone with you and me
She rides like she knows
Wherever she goes, we'll be there
On the carousel
Life is going well
Anyone can tell, we're in love
On the Carousel
You're gonna like the way you feel
You and I we got caught down there
In the twisted canyons
of the great divide
We walked the floor
Now we don't go there anymore
In the great divide
Nothing to decide
No one else to care for or love
In the great divide
You don't fit in too well
In the great divide
Nothing to decide
No one else to care for or love
In the great divide
You won't fit in too well

very special thanks to a real beautiful classy lady named Toni (above) for all her patience, love and dedication and for putting up with my everchanging moods over the last few years!

click here to check out Toni's amazing web site!


It is always great to meet new people in cyber space! Over the last 12 years since I got hooked on the internet and became a computer junkie, I have come across many interesting people and we are still friends today. it's great to learn about people's adventures, moods and interests!

*** I answer all messages and reply to all comments left on my web site within 24 hours~ guaranteed~ and I do not expect the same dedication from others, however if there is no communication within a certain amount of time (2-3 days) after I leave a message or comment (unless there is a good reason), then you will be gone from my web site! sorry..



The Great Brian Gari and I at the Neil Sedaka Tribute Party in 2003
visit Brian's web site here

John Lennon

cover of the New Paul Simon CD 'SURPRISE' out NOW!! This new cd was well worth the wait (been 6 years since the last one) Paul Simon takes out his shot at 9/11, hurricane Katrina, the war and the administration, something he could not do with his 2000 cd 'You're the one'..certainly 'SURPRISE' is the most powerful Paul Simon music out in many years!

click here to watch PAUL SIMON 'OUTRAGEOUS' video!

click here to watch a great PAUL SIMON interview video!

the best compilation Sinatra cd ever!! The songs chosen by Frank himself! this is truly a classic..!!!

Yusuf Islam(formerly CAT STEVENS) has released his first major studio album in 28 years! it's called 'AN OTHER CUP'

the old classic record player and LP! music never sounded so good!

the cassette!

the old CLASSIC 8-TRACK!!

the old scratchy warn out 45!

remember these?? the 45 RPM ADAPTERS!

next to Carole King's classic TAPESTRY album, COLOUR OF YOUR DREAMS (above) is a major favorite of mine!

BOWLING!!! my favorite sport!

LOU REED ECSTASY: my favorite LOU REED album of all time (so far)

the exact replica of the ball radio that i had in the 70's listening to AM radio!


click here to watch Rod Stewart on MSN video

the new studio album from elton john 'the captain and the kid' is a sequel to the 1975 mega platinum album 'captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy'

my favorite music has always been the music from the 70's
I do not like rap or hip hop at all
my favorite personal artists (those that he has every single song by including obscurities) are: (not in any particular order)
elton john
billy joel
paul mccartney
gordon lightfoot
neil diamond
frank sinatra
neil sedaka
neil young
paul simon
cat stevens
lou reed

I listen to Internet Radio most if not all the time I am online, keeps the pace going! and I really do not bother with radio's and radio stations anymore in general, big change from when I was growing up, where first we depended upon AM radio and then when FM came around, we lost the AM dial and stuck to FM which was so much clearer! Today's technology brings about a new change in how we all listen to music and it's totally groovy. Aol has free XM access to all it's members, so I get a wide range of music to select from at my own style and pace. I also download alot of music through my music browsers like MUSICMATCH, MSN MUSIC and ITUNES. Internet radio is amazing and we get to choose what we want to listen to and when. The all request hour is over!

one of the best albums to arrive out in the 70's 'Don Mclean 'AMERICAN PIE' and certainly one of my all time favorites of the decade! Every song on this album is a masterpiece!

one of my favorite sergio mendes albums!! this is a classic!

Frank Zappa's SHEIK YERBOUTI is my favorite ZAPPA album of all time..i remember listening to this album in 1979 like it was going out of style..its a great album to listen to when you are high!! this album was way ahead of its time when it first came out, much in the way JOHN LENNON'S DOUBLE FANTASY album was in 1980

two of my favorite burt bacharach albums growing up in the 60's 'reach out' & 'make it easy on yourself'...2 classic albums with classic production~

billy joel

The amazing and beautiful Karen Carpenter! (above)

Dan with singer/songwriter Neil Sedaka (below) June 16th 2003 and august 2003

Bernie Taupin(above) one of the most influential and brilliant songwriters of the music industry! and certainly my favorite songwriter of all time!

Gordon Lightfoot (above)~ Now this is what country pop/rock is supposed to sound like! Gordon lightfoot has an amazing catalog of songs and growing up with his music for more than 30 years really made me an amazing dedicated fan!!

above: cover of Paul McCartney's new cd: Chaos and creation in the backyard
Sir Paul's best cd ever! This is my favorite Mccartney cd ever!

above: cover of Neil Diamond's new cd: 12 songs
Neil Diamond's very best work in 30 years: The lyrics represent Neil Diamond's best in over 35 years, his vocals and style on this cd is unique and of masterpiece material. This is Neil Diamond's highest chart album entry ever! dw

my favorite Frank Sinatra cd! September Of My Years: No other Sinatra CD even matches this masterpiece cd of lost love, heartbreak and growing old gracefully in my opinion! The lyrics, production and vocals are outstanding and unique. A great cd to hang out with anytime, but especially on a Saturday night with your woman and a bottle or 2 of red wine and thin crust pizza with extra garlic!! dw

Frank Sinatra 'CYCLES' my 2nd favorite Sinatra album!

although 'richard harris's sings his greatest perfromances (above) is hard to find on cd, you can still get the LP....this is a masterpiece album from start to finish with great classics as 'didn't we' and 'macarthur's park'! one of my favorite albums growing up in the 70's!

Elvis Costello/Burt Bacahrach's Painted from Memory' (above) is One of my favorite cd's of the 90's! lyrically, production and vocals really make this album a complete masterpiece and ofcourse the exceptional work of Burt Bacharach!!

This cd 'You're The One' is my first favorite album of the new century! This is Paul's best work ever in my opinion, lyrically and vocally! A complete masterpiece!

Neil Young's 'SILVER AND GOLD' is my favorite Young cd ever! The lyrics represent his best work ever along with great vocals and production. This is a Neil Young must for all fans!

Art Garfunkel: 'Everything Waits to be noticed' a true masterpiece of words, music,vocals and production~! without a doubt, my favorite GARFUNKEL cd to date!!


click here for ELTON JOHN

click here for NEIL DIAMOND

my favorite announcers/dj's of all time! dw

JACK SPECTOR (above) my all time favorite disc jockey. Jack brought me in to the stations he was working in, most notably the old wpix 102 fm in new york and a couple of other stations.I was a regular fan of the saturday night sock-hop on cbs-fm in new york. Jack spector was the reason i decided to get into broadcasting and persue radio earlier.


DAN INGRAM (above) my 2nd favorite disc jockey! dw

bill gates (above)

Lou Reed (above)

The Farm Dogs featuring Bernie Taupin. These 2 albums: 'Last stand in open country' and 'Immigrant sons' are amazing, production and vocals are memorable..

Paul Simon (2006)

click on the logo's below to listen!


ROCKY BALBOA is my favorite of the ROCKY series! written and directed by Sylvester Stallone..

my favorite movies are 'the bridges of madison county' and 'the horse whisperer'
these 2 movies have great soundtracks and stories and they have great acting and directors
I have not seen any movie since that stood up to these 2 movies (so far anyway)
'BARTON FINK' a masterpiece!!
Next to JFK, TALK RADIO is one of my favorite movies directed by Oliver Stone! This movie is riveting!
besides Clint Eastwood and Robert Redford, Oliver Stone (above) remains one of my favorite directors!
29th street is really an amazing incredible movie full of great italian humor and comedy with great acting and production! Anthony Lapaglia and Danny Aiello are amazing!!
This movie is a wine fetish amazement!! craftly made, produced and acted!! Great story, memorable! Rent it on DVD as soon as you can! it is one of my favorite movies!
Simon and Garfunkel (above)
in my opinion Andy Warhol's 'HEAT' is the best CULT movie that I have ever seen!
my favorite western of all time! 'UNFORGIVEN'


my favorite TV shows:
in the 70's, dan's favorite comedies are;
'all in the family',
'the jeffersons',
'good times'.


I do watch CNN and FOX alot and the history and discovery channel

in my opinion 'ALL IN THE FAMILY' (above) was and still is to me the best comedy sitcom in history!


Paul Simon (2006)

PROBE was one of my favorite games in the 70's!


Wartime Prayers (lyrics: Paul Simon (2006) from the new cd 'SURPRISE'
Prayers offered in times of peace are silent conversations, Appeals for love or love's release In private invocations But all that is changed now, Gone like a memory from the day before the fires. People hungry for the voice of God Hear lunatics and liars Wartime prayers, wartime prayersIn prevery language spoken, Forrevery family scattered and broken.Because you cannot walk with the holy, If you're just a halfway decent man. I don't pretend that I'm a mastermind With a genius marketing plan. I'm trying to tap into some wisdom, Even a little drop will do. I want to rid my heart of envy And cleanionuy soul of rage Before I'm through.Times are hard, it's a hard time But everybody knows all about hard times. The thing is, what are you gonna do? Well, you cry and try to muscle through Try to rearrange your stuff But when the wounds are deep enough, It's all that we can bear, We wrap ourselves in prayer.Because you cannot walk with the holy, If you're just a halfway decent man. I don't pretend that I'm a mastermind With a genius marketing plan. I'm trying to tap into some wisdom, Even a little drop willdo. I want to rid my heart of envy And cleanionuy soul of rage Before I'm through. A mother murmurs in twilight sleep And draws her babies closer. With hush-a-byes for sleepy eyes, And kisses on the shoulder. To drive away despair

My Blog


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Posted by daniel on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 05:54:00 PST


  hey folks, check out this article on the great benefits of olive oil...also, olive oil is a great lubricant and masturbation oil , better than vaseline or baby oil and way less irritation ...
Posted by daniel on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:42:00 PST


Green tea every day makes your life healthier, longer www.chinaview.cn 2006-09-13 08:32:38 If you hope to have a long, healthy life, you'd better have a habit to drink a c...
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Stone takes Center stageMaker of war and conspiracy movies is back in the line of fire with 9/11 drama, writes Ann Hornaday Friday, August 11, 2006 Maker of war and conspiracy movies is back in the...
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Sexual fetishism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You have new messages (last change). Jump to: navigation, search Sexual fetishism is a form of paraphilia where the object of affection is a sp...
Posted by daniel on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 01:22:00 PST


Researchers say diets rich in healthy fats may be better for the heart than low-fat eating. But before you break out the box of Twinkies, note that they specifically said "healthy fats." The study com...
Posted by daniel on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 06:23:00 PST


Taking it to heartAmerican Heart Association releases new diet and lifestyle guidelines for better livingBY JONATHAN HALLEMEIERTimes Correspondent This story ran on nwitimes.com on Monday, June 26, 20...
Posted by daniel on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:37:00 PST


Cholesterol-raising trans fats: The hidden hazard Cholesterol-raising trans fats are a huge threat to your heart and your waistline. So why aren't they listed on food labels? Clint Witchalls reports ...
Posted by daniel on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 05:17:00 PST


Paul SimonSurpriseRelease Date: May 09, 2006 Label: Warner Bros.Rating: The obvious surprise of Surprise, Paul Simon's tenth solo album and his first since 2000's underrated You're the One, is that...
Posted by daniel on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 02:24:00 PST


Green Tea Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer Despite heavy smoking by the Asians the chances of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer are very low due to high consumpti...
Posted by daniel on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 06:41:00 PST