Chriskabob ™ {The Shaman Of Sexy} profile picture

Chriskabob ™ {The Shaman Of Sexy}

Well fads they come and fads they go. And God i love that rock & roll.Well the point was fast bu

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Well about me.....I'!I'm nice,mean,funny,perverted,sexual,happy,sad,angry,tollerant,s ocial,anti-social,non-prejudice(i fuckn hate everyone the same...i'm an equal opportunity hater)i'm a sagitarious,i'm the life of the party,cute,arrogant,i start shit,i finish shit,i procrastinate,i yell,i scream,i laugh,i've even cried,try to be honest,i'm human,i make mistakes,i play sports,i drive,hike,run,and walk,i masterbate,i spit,i giggle,i read,i listen to music,i write,i surf the net,i've surfed(but suck at it.........i'd be better but some FUCKER stole my board!!!!),i suck at a lot of things,yet i'm good at a lot of things,i dont take shit(yet sometimes i do),i give people shit,i work hard and i'm lazy,trying to learn how to play guitar(i'm a rock and roll star without a band),i sneeze,i pee,i burp,i eat,drink,i drink booze,i love beer,i smoke(trying to quit....there's some rumor flying around that it causes cancer),i've smoked pot(or would if "The boss" wasn't on my back),i back off,i get in your face,i'll talk,i'll shut-up,i'm sometimes depressed,im usually happy,i'm almost always content,i like to cuddle,i pace and pace and pace,i play,i play nice,i play mean,i'll prank you,i'll talk to you,i'll console you,i'll put you in your place,i'll be there for you,i'll back off and give you space,i like movies,music,and Tv and my playstaion 2,i hate guns,i like pills,i'm a hypocrite,i'll do what i'm told,or maybe i'll just disobey you,i'm there for my friends when they need me,i'll treat you how you treat me,i like cereal(actually i FUCKING LOVE cereal),peanut butter,blueberry muffins,fire works,chocolate raspberry coffee,cheap cars,cheap jokes,dirty jokes,racial jokes(no...doesn't make me prejudice),silly jokes,comics,i LOVE to go sign stealing(CHRISTOPHER-When the f*ck are you going to grow up?I love you grambo),i like my cat,maybe i like your girl-friend,maybe i hate your boyfriend,maybe i cant stand you.I THINK WHOEVER IS READN THIS IS STARTN TO GET THE DRIFT.I GUESS THE BEST WAY TO DESCRIPE ME IS AS A REAL LIFE OXY-MORON. I'M JUST ME FROM DAY TO DAY.SOME PEOPLE ACCEPT THAT AND SOME DONT.OH WELL.....NOBODY'S PERFECT!!!! Well Natalie Portman is but we wont go there.

My Interests

My interests change day to day.........i change day to day.I think that change is a good thing.Some of the things that constantly interest me are music,movies,friends,family,playing and watching sports(i'm a huge Redsox fan.I'm also a Celtics,Bruins,49'ers,and Notre Dame fan),and i'm always up for a good geo cache.Hiking is something that i also enjoy.I enjoy a good beer(Sam's,Sam Lights,Wachusett Blueberry,Negra Modelas,Bass,or dabbling in some home brews),mixed drinks(such as Margarita's with no salt,Long Island Ice Tea's,and Vodka Martini's)and some hard stuff(Southern Compfort,Jameson,Johnny Walker,or any worthwhile whiskey or scotch.)I like animals that are playful and friendly(I WILL OWN A MONKEY SOMEDAY!).I also like meeting new people and doing spur of the moment type of things.

I'd like to meet:

I've already met a few rather peachy keen folks. Such as Jason Lee,a few memebers of Modest Mouse(Danielle and i got on their tour bus you suckers),and Jim Carroll (The basketball Diary's was based on him.) I would love to meet Keira Knightley,Natalie Portman,Tom Hanks,and a bunch of differant musicians.I'd love to be able to chill out with Adam Sandler at a bar. Hell sometimes i dont even know if i know myself so maybe someday i'll meet me.I think it would be cool to meet Ralph Nader.I'd be stoked to chill with Seinfield or any Star Wars actor. If i could be a cartoon then i'd like to chill with Homer and Peter Griffin,maybe have a martini with Brian the dog.The only problem with being a cartoon is if i met Jessica Rabbit i might try to get in her pants.I'd show her trix just aren't only for kidz.Well this is way to much of a ramble on who i'd like to meet so i'll stop while i'm ahead.


Modest Mouse,Ugly Casanova,Jim Carroll,The White Stripes,Beck,Duran Duran,The Bloodhound Gang,Jeff Buckley,Sublime,Bob Marley,Radiohead,Say Anything,The Beastie Boys,Velvet Underground,Pearl Jam,Nirvana,Rage Against the Machine,OAR,Red Hot Chili Peppers,STP,The Beach Boys,older U2,Tool,Eminem,Snoop,Dre,Notorious,Blind Melon,the Strokes,the Kinks,Eazy (mother fuckn)-E,The Dropkick Murphy's(James-I still have your Lou Reed vhs),The Beatles,Oasis,the Ramones,Van Morrison,the Doors,Led Zeppelin,Zox,Weezer,Nick Drake,Cat Stevens,the Offspring,Wolf Parade,Jimmy Eats World,The Get Up Kids,(here's where i cough and admit to liking....)Faith No More,,Poison,and Tesla.I like lots of differant music.....rock,rap,punk,....anything but country.If i think of anymore i'll add them to "the list."


Star Wars Episodes 1-6,Star Wars episodes 1-6,ANYTHING WITH ADAM SANDLER,Rocky 1-5,the Indiana Jones trilogy,Fight Club,Space Balls,Forrest Gump,Goodfellas,Good Will Hunting,Beautiful Girls,Love Actually,The Usual Suspects,American Beauty,Dogma,Clerks,Primal Fear,American History X,The Godfather 1 and 2(c'mon did anyone LIKE the third one?),Gangs In New York,Wedding Crashers,The National Lampoon movies,American Pie,The Austin Powers trilogy,Gladiator,Saving Private Ryan,Casino,SLC Punk,Singles,Reality Bites,Beetle Juice,What's Eating Gilbert Grape,Edward Scizzorhands,Benny and Joon,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,Blow,Be Cool,Get Shorty,Pulp Fiction,Resevoir Dogs,Kill Bill 1 and 2,Oceans 11 and 12,the Vampire Chronicles,Cocktail,Igby Goes Under, and a ton of others.I like movies.....movies are fun to watch.I'd rather listen to a good C.D anyday though.MUSIC IS SWELL.Did i mention star Wars 1-6?(Of course the original 3 are the best! you have to love those Yoda quotes! What friggn kid didn't want to own a light saber?!?!?!)


Seinfield,the Simpsons,Curb Your Enthusiasm,Arrested Development,the Family Guy,Sports Center,Married With Children,the X-files,the Dukes of Hazzard,Unsolved Mysteries (remember being a kid and being freaked right the fuck out by all the strange religious and ufo mumbo jumbo?),Malcom in the Middle,My Name is Earl,the Office,Jay Leno,Conan O'Brian,the Chapelle show,SNL,Dave Letterman(just because of his top 10),Futurama,the War at Home,News-Radio(man do i miss Phil Hartman),wrestling(it's fucking real i tell ya),and i'm sure as everything else a few random shows that i cant think of. .. width="425" height="350" ..


I'm going to write a book about my life smeday,it shall be a rather swell read to say the least.Want to read a book?...... read 'On the road' by Jack's a good read.......I got lost in it.'The davinci Code' is also a good read but the movie is comn out next year and Tom Hanks is going to star in it.'YOU' might be one of those people who try to sound smart and say shit like "The movie never is as good as the book.(Like none of you people never picked books that also had a movie to it for you summer reading lists in school.)Maybe you should read 'The Davinci Code' before the movie comes out.Just dont watch the movie that way there is one less person bitching about how the movie sucked compared to the book.Dont get me wrong i haven't seen the movie yet so it very well could suck.I doubt it though because Tom hanks is a great actor and i think the only bad movie he was in was Joe Versus the Volcano.


In no particuliar order....My grandma(grambo),my mom,Jim Carroll,Isaac Brock,Shannon Hoon,that nurse who saved my life in Holland(haven't done that since),Eddie Veddar,Rocky Balboa,Han Solo,and Luke Skywalker.

My Blog

Rocky VI-I'm stoked!!!!!!!!

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Posted by Chriskabob on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:19:00 PST


     After i got out of the shower tonight i walked into my bedroom to get dressed.I kind of noticed it smelled like fried-dough.Well i'm not quite sure if that is a good or bad th...
Posted by Chriskabob on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:23:00 PST

That Sure Was A Swell Video!

    So last night i stopped by my friend Kelly's place for a little toke session.We were sitting there watching MTV and chilling out.While i was watching MTV i was thinking about h...
Posted by Chriskabob on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:31:00 PST

Musical Pondering

       I love listening to music.I find it to be a rather swell time indeed.For instance right now i'm just chilling out and listening to 'TonesOf Home' by Blind Melon.I ...
Posted by Chriskabob on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 11:22:00 PST

I Need An Answer!!!!!

After they make styrofoam, what do they ship it in? Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to? Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? Why do irons have a se...
Posted by Chriskabob on Thu, 11 May 2006 08:53:00 PST

My Dumb Comment

       There are just times when i dont think and put myself in VERY strange situations. I could name hundreds examples. Take for example the stupid comment i just made t...
Posted by Chriskabob on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:43:00 PST

Cant construct my light saber

   So yeah i'm a little upset i didn't win the Mega-millions this weekend.I already had some of the money spent. I was going to put out a ten million dollar contract to the first person who ...
Posted by Chriskabob on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:44:00 PST