Comedy...Football...Movies...Beer...Baseball...Writing...Gam eshows...Snacks...Theater...Food...Acting...Cocktails...Read ing...Beer...Radio... Snacks...Travel...Music...Darts...Karaoke...Parlour Games...Not being thought of as a dummy...
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So many kinds that I don't think it's worth writing about because, let's face it, if I wrote that Guns 'n Roses or Beethoven or Nightmares on Wax floated my music boat, would it make your day that much sunnier? That sarcasm stated, Kelly Clarkson is my girl.
Basically there's the cream of the crop - Star Wars (the original), Caddyshack, Die Hard, vintage Zucker Brothers comedies, The Blues Brothers, vintage Mel Brooks, Out Of Sight, His Girl Friday, vintage John Hughes, Raiders of the Lost Ark, vintage Woody Allen - and then there's everything else. Basically.
Match Game, Any NFL game, House, Curb, Earl, Office, The Muppet Show, Three's Company, Conan, SportsCenter, The Price Is Right, Simpsons, Knight Rider, MLB baseball, classic Carson and Letterman, The A-Team, I Dream of Jeannie (no shame there).
Will you judge me if I say I've read all the Harry Potter books? Does it help that I love Fitzgerald? Didn't think so.
Johnny Carson, Gene Rayburn, the Colonel from KFC, Ted Knight, Christy Canyon, Shooter McGavin, the man who tasted the first beer, Tom Brady, Sean Connery (in the late 60's), Rodney Dangerfield, Carey Grant, Abe Lincoln, the man who invented Nachos, Angus Young, Batman, Heidi Klum's cleavage (pre-Seal). What can I say? I got a thing for dead people, snack food, beer, sports and boobs.