Space, technology, the military, space, Macintosh computers, reading Scripture, space, Warhammer 40k, models, space... anything about which you can hold a decent conversation... which is everything really.
Adam, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Moses, Wherner von Braun, David, Malkav, Nehemiah, Miyazaki-san, Isaiah, Billy Mitchell, Jesus, Niel Armstrong, Paul, Robert Zubrin, and Konstantin Tsiolovsky (sp?). Oh, and one of these names is not like the others. Ten points to those who tell me which one.
Classical, Christian Rock & Praise, Techno/Dance, Oldies. Some Country. As one of my friends put it, "You can't spell crap without rap." My music sets my mood and my mood sets my desire for music.
Some of my favorite songs:
David Crowder Band - No One Like You (I apologize for the poor quality, but you can't beat free)
Weezer - El Scorcho
Where to begin, where to begin... comprehensive list is underway... I haven't even watched everything that I own yet, but I continue to borrow from others. Currently watching... The Muppet Show S1, Gundam Wing, Planates, District B13.
Only what I get to watch at work... some movies, Good Eats and some other food shows, Everybody Loves Raymond... Not by choice, but because AFN wills it.
The Bible, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Isaac Asimov, Larry Niven, Frank Peretti, Orson Scott Card, First to Fight -Gen. Krulak, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy -Corbett, Codex: Space Marines, Cryptonomicon -Neal Stephenson, To Own a Dragon -Donald Miller... just to name an eclectic few
Merrill B. Twining, Archibald Henderson, Billy Mitchell, The Apostle Paul
And, of course, Spike, Jet, Faye, Ed and Ein... (My life... same same but different)