The Office...I forgot how funny it is "You've been under attack for days, and there's a soldier down. He's wounded, gangrene's setting in... 'Who's used all the penicillin?!' 'Oh. Mark Paxton, sir. He's got a knob rot off some tart"One of my fave bits of Simpsons!! "Oh, Be Nice"This a collection of the things my camera has seen recently.....!!!! ..
Riks Powuiton Poem!! Pure Genius!! .. width="400" height="350" ..
Anything that moves me, sparks emotion in me, reminds me of the best times, helps me in the worst, moshing music and glittering shiny shoe spinnng tunes!! (Faves tho:Incubus, The Libertines, The Flaming Lips, Mariah Carey (autographed photo for xmas..thank u heva), Reel Big Fish, Amy Whinehouse, Frank Sinatra, R Kelly, Dru Hill, System of a Down, Disturbed, name a few
Ahhh...films love em! Favourites have to be: Harvey, Some like it Hot, Tarantino's, Kubricks, The freddy stuff... Oh, The Evil Dead... The Green Mile (so glad I read the book first tho) Legally Blonde....Beaches.. (*sniff*) Rat Race...any monty pythons.. The Frightners (totally underrated cos i think its gr8)
SPACED (Tyres and Brian are my heroes) Supernatural..gets moist over Dean Winchester, Angel (entire boxset, worth every penny) Bo selecta, Family Guy, The Simpsons..I will own them all! Ya can see where my money goes....
Fave books: Insomnia, IT, The Stand and Pet Semetary by Stephen King Johnny and the dead and Good Omens by Terry Pratchett Play poker like the pros by Phil Hellmuth Jr
Jessica Stevenson, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Macfarlane, Gil Grissom, Rik Mayal, Hannibal Lecter, Leigh Francis.....and any other of you mo'fo's out there keeping it real, hip to the ground and down with the kids!