§~*Mexican Mommy*~§ profile picture

§~*Mexican Mommy*~§

§*~JuSs CuZ uR mAnS GONE DONT mEaN yOu CaN fUcK wItH MINE u LiLHOE!!!~*§

About Me

I get myspace layouts at UltimateMySpace.com. Get this layoutwhat up my name is Christine, I have a 1 year old son named Jaden! Hes the cutest. I cant stand Jadens real father and thats why I am so thankful he gets to share a real daddy who loves him and cares about him with our new baby boy Joseph. He was born Jan. 29th. Joey and I are so excited. We couldn't be any happier in life rite now. I love to party, drink, go clubbin, and dancing. I was a dancer for 14 years, that was the love of my life until I had Jaden & Joseph and met Joey! I am so glad that Joey and have worked things out between us, were such a happy family, I love him so much.If you wanna kno if you wanna kno anythin else juss stop by n ask. T A K E N B Y J O E Y ! pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /

My Interests

I love going out to parties, hanging out with friends, I love football and the Green Bay Packers! I love cars and learning more about 'em, Like I said I love to go out, but I also like to stay in watch movies, and cuddle all night long with my one and only boo! I have a guy who isn't afraid to share his feelings with me, who can trust me and knows that I will always be there for him and in thats what I get in return!


Damn my tits look huge



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Me and Britt trying on our halloween costumes


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jaden :)
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My Blog


OMG so this is how me and britt's nite went.... we are sittin here on the computer and then we start to get a craving for a rootbeer float. so we hop in the whip and start crusin down central ave. bla...
Posted by §~*Mexican Mommy*~§ on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:17:00 PST

Spendin time with the man!

Yea that's right I am up here in Grand Forks again!!!! :) spendin time with my main man! Josh! I am so excited I brought him to work today and he told me he has the night planned for us, I am soooo ex...
Posted by §~*Mexican Mommy*~§ on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 03:00:00 PST


ugggg I hate waiting... I am so excited to get out of here and on with my life. I have finally got every single piece of paper out to the admissions office at the University of North Dakota, now all I...
Posted by §~*Mexican Mommy*~§ on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST


So I went to Grand forks last Tuesday, and was supposed to come back on Sunday, well it was so fun I sent jaden back with my mom on sunday and stayed an extra 2 days. Wow this was the first time I had...
Posted by §~*Mexican Mommy*~§ on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 03:04:00 PST