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---------------------------------------------------1)Serious drinkers only. If we don't think you are a serious drinker then you need to show us otherwise. The burden of proof is on you! One crazy night out on the town with the team is all it takes.
2)You must have "TEAM DRUNK ASS" as part of your myspace name and you have to represent us up in your top 8! Show your team support and your love for alcohol. This group is only dedicated to people that really have a passion for the thirst, so show it!
3)You must back up any team member through drunk talk if it's with the occasional stranger or n-e-one who isn't affiliated with the team. Whenever, whatever, or whoever. If this dispute is between 2 members of the team then the rest of the members will figure out who is in the wrong and Mr. "DRUNK ASS" of the night MUST buy the other team member a drink. (These only apply with SERIOUS matters.)
4)You must support coorslight! You can do this by drinking it, promoting it, or just simply throwing it up at least TWICE a week. This beer is held in the highest regard and should be dranken before all other white trash beers.
5)You must blackout at least once a month.
6)You must copy and paste these rules in your myspace profile so you see them on the constant. Engrave them into your head. respect them and obey them.
Myspace Layouts