The band was given birth to by a group of creative people back in 2003. The
need to evolve has led to some changes over these years, but the core
mission - to grow by means of inspiration, calculation and experiment -
remains. By taking our music beyond the usual limitations set to many bands
by a need to become rich, famous and signed by a huge recording company, we
have become free in terms of what to play and how to play it. Our thoughts,
feelings, intuition turn into music, held back only by our own, constantly
increasing, knowledge, as well as respect for other band members` opinion.
With that in mind, don`t expect our songs to be a cacophony of unrelated
sounds, because even a very impulsive form of art like music relies deeply
on strict, mainly mathematical, rules. Since 2004 we have been writing music
and playing only for our own pleasure, but, starting from 2007, we will
start to share our minds` musical journeys with everyone interested to hear
For contacting about booking, information, records etc. use message board on contacttables or Versus e-mail: [email protected]