*Rae* {BTYG} profile picture

*Rae* {BTYG}


About Me

lyt by avlays

I am as bright as the sunshine and my heart is made of gold. I will never judge you. I will never hurt you. I am strong and expressive. I live everyday as if it were my last. I am a child of Christ, daughter of Eve. My body is a temple. I find beauty in everything and everyone. Love is what leads me through each day. Embracing it is the struggle. I am trustworthy. I am genuine. I am sincere. I am notorious for always having food or candy, making ice cream sundaes, and never being short on gum. I do not yell. I do not get angry. I do not cry. Even when I feel broken and lost, my eyes are filled with endless hope. My smile is everlasting and contagious. I always look to the sky, and I don’t ask why. I just know that I am blessed with a morning and a night, with family and friends, with love and respect. I live my life for the one that died for my sins, for the one that died for your sins, for my Savior, for my Protector. Angels watch over me. I dance on the universe. I am smart and I am real. I am creative and poetic. You will never break my spirit. My laugh is loud, my mind is open, and my soul is pure. Show me love, respect, and kindness. I will give you all of mine. I believe in fairy tale romances and have faith that it will happen to me. I am waiting for the head over heels, weak in the knees, sit by the phone kind of love. He will give me butterflies. He will bring me flowers. He will take my breath away. And I…I will wait for as long as it takes for him to find me. I will love him. I will cherish him. I will bring him soup and make him breakfast in bed. I will scratch his back and play with his hair. I will devote my life to showing him how important he is and how special he makes me feel. But, most importantly, I will wait. I will wait for him to come. Why? Because true love waits. And I am a hopeful, a dreamer, a believer.

My Interests


My Blog

deviation two.

Ok, I am sick and tired of hearing everyone bitch and moan about how much boys suck these days. It's not true. Granted they do things that are rude, irrational, and unnecessary; but don't you as wel...
Posted by *Rae* {BTYG} on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST

deviation one

deviations of rae:oh baby im so distraughtidk if it was the boozethe pillsthe smokethe cokeim so strung outidk if i feel for the highor if it was you all alongmy hearts been racingmy palms been sweati...
Posted by *Rae* {BTYG} on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:14:00 PST