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scathodick surfers

aka BROZO and the Valtones

About Me

NEWS: les SCATHODICK SURFERS ont un morceau sur la compil music transfer protocol disponible ici: ou dans certaines FNAC. Nous sommes rEferencés par (le site franCais du surf rock) et par reverb (LE site mondial du surf rock)!!!!!! voici un un aperCu de la chronique de notre cd postee par phil dirt lui meme sur, just take a look at phil dirt's comments on
"This is one original band. Imagine the aural qualities of the Bitch Boys and the intricacy of the Mermen and the abandon of Balls and you might get some idea of what this is like. Thoroughly original and pouring energy and emotion, while also being quite sophisticated. Not for the trad purists, but well worth seeking out for the rest of us."
After Pneumothorax (live)
Highly original, "After Pneumothorax" uses double picked reverb guitar and many surfisms to deliver a seriously bent and nontraditional instrumental sound. It's surf, and yet it's not. Big adventure and intellectual pleasure rides right along with the liquid delight of the reverb drenched guitar. Very cool! Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Laisse Claypool Tranquille (live)
Angular and dangerous, this track slithers surf and attacks in deeply troubled terrain. It's big and intense and dramatic, and much like what might happen if a manic dangerous stalker was chasing a fair maiden across a ten foot face with malicious intent. Very cool! Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Spanish Traditional (live)
With high energy chord choppin' assault and thundering tribal drums and bass, ScathoDick Surfers contrast a Spanish imagery and dangerous laiissans in a very compelling way. Complex and sophisticaed, and very real on an emotional scale. Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Take No Surf (live)
Moderately paced and moody, "Take No Surf" is a bass dominated chord shimmerer that is both easy and foreboding. Great drums and a dribbly guitar throbbing with tremolo magic and echoed double picked waterfalls of danger.
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
A Remake From John Zorn (live)
This is a slow and shimmery mystery from John Zorn I guess. I don;t know the tune, but it's surely a haunting and moody piece with lovely tremolo and lush tone. The long bass notes and delicately placed drums are a perfect counterpoint. Somewhat meditteranean, and quite mysterious.
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Facia di Merola (live)
If mathematical jazz were emotionally charged with reverb and salt water, it might sound like this. Wah-wah, double picked danger, accelerating drums and double picked guitar assaults held together with bass rumble. Way cool! Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Suck My Dick Del ( by the yolk!!!)
Never mind the rude title, the song is loaded with double picked surf and big twang chords. It shreds and slaughters over a fanciful non-surf bed that's quite supportive of the melody's main thrust. Adventurous and very engaging. Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
A Run For Life (mp3)
This track is from ScathoDick Surfers's MySpace page. This version of Dick Dale and his Del-tones' "A Run For Life" is both traditional and reinvented in the unique style and sound of this band. Excellent!
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
SCATHODICK SURFERS est un trio énergique (guitare, basse, batterie), très influencé par le surf-rock des sixties, en particulier Dick DALE, Dave MAYERS & The SURFTONES, The BELAIRS, et d' autres moins connus. Néanmoins, les SCATHODICK SURFERS restent très emprunts de jazz et de bidouillages électroniques, révélant ainsi un aspect plus actuel de ce genre musical: quelques morriconneries et autres zorneries pouvant survenir à tout instant.
Par ailleurs, le trio officie dans d’autres formations, tel que le sextet YOLK réguliérement en tournée, leur permettant ainsi d’acquérir diverses expériences scéniques.
La formation est créée au début du printemps 2004 par Valentin CARETTE (guitare), Antonin CARETTE (basse) et Fabrice BRZOSKIEWICZK (batterie). Ces trois musiciens se connaissent et jouent ensemble depuis des années, ils enchaînent donc rapidement de nombreux concerts dans les bars de Dunkerque et ses environs. En plus de quelques concerts plus ‘importants’, ils répondent parfois à des commandes : projet MARIAGES, création d’un orchestre de surf mobile pour la Scéne Nationnale Le Bateau Feu de Dunkerque, en collaboration avec le Teatro Del Ariete (Italie).
CONCERTS RECENTS :- Juin 2006 : concert pour la fermeture du F.R.A.C. de Dunkerque. - Juin 2006 : concert mobile pour le Bateau Feu dans le cadre du projet Mariages (commande). - Juin 2006 : concert lors du Festival Les Bordées de la Citadelle à Dunkerque. - Mars 2006 : 1ère partie du AMSTERDAM KLEZMER BAND aux 4 Ecluses à Dunkerque. - Novembre 2005 : concert pour la Fête de l’Hibernation à METALU. - Octobre 2005 : concert sur le STUBNITZ. - Septembre 2005 : concert de clôture du festival Western Attitude à la Maison Folie Wazemmes. - 21 Juin 2005 : concert après les BURNING HEADS au Jokelson. - Mai 2005 : concert lors du Festival KavalKart à Dunkerque.
ENGLISH: SCATHODICk SURFERS is a trio influenced by the 60's surf rock, particulary dick dale, dave myers and the surftones and so much others. but they are still loving jazz , electronic sounds, spaghetti westerns style etc their concert are always a success : people are dancing,screaming and laughing. And they are so sexY!!!!!!!!!!

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 12/20/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: antonin carette: basse

valentin carette: guitare

fabrice brzoskiewicz: batterie

Influences: Dick dale;
Sixties surf,particulary:
The Belairs
The Surfaris
The Bomboras
The Penetrators
The Sentinels
The Lively Ones
The Centurions
Dave Myers and the Surftones
Lee Hazlewood
Man or Astroman?
The Trashmen
BUT also:
Secret chiefs 3,
John Zorn,
Marc Ribot,
Mr Bungle,
Messer Chups,
Robert Quine
The Residents
Ennio Morricone
Cul de Sac
Les 4 guitaristes de l'apocalypse
All those bands deals with surf
in a conscient way or not!!!

Sounds Like: nobody else
Record Label: hope to have one
Type of Label: Indie