Various shredding on waves/wood/concrete/snow, going to far away places and usually not wanting to come back, my bike, everything about Portland in the summer time, occasionally playing music with very talented friends,eating awesome food(especially: mexican, thai, late breakfast at Tin Shed and veggie sushi), hoodies and beanies, dancing badly to 80's music, spooning, warm wool socks, girls with freckles, ya know the usual stuff.
More genuine people that say what they mean and mean what they say.....a few more friends to surf with would be nice too.
Sure, but only the good stuff....lately Interpol, Misfits, Fugazi, Of Montreal, Imperial Teen, Public Enemy, Black Sabbath and Pinback have been in heavy rotation.
Always a fan of The Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona (The Coen Bros are brilliant), Edward Scissorhands, Amelie, The Burbs,Me And You And Everyone We Know, Caddy Shack, Half Baked, So I Married An Axe Murderer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Princess Bride, Spike Jonze flicks, Empire of the Sun, Wes Anderson's stuff, Napoleon Dynamite, North Shore, Thrashin, Rad, all of those beautifully shot Samurai and Kung Fu movies(Zhang Yimou), A Bronx Tale, The Abyss, Office Space, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, John Hughes movies. As with most the list goes on and on.....
It seems that there is always something better to do. I do love the Aqua Teen Hunger Force and other Adult Swim shows on DVD though and Strangers With Candy (R.I.P.)
I read inconsistently, depending on how much time I am spending in airports.
Kevin, Schilling, Mammele Bros and Greg Goulet. People who get through life doing what they love and cutting out the other bullshit.