this is Joe.
see Joe play.
see Joe get bitten by his dog.
C h r i s t i n a
| is my name. | // Noemi // i've known her for about 5 years and she's like the bombness. she's even in the process of trying to become a vegan. basically when you talk to her, you'll be like "dangg lemme holla". rofl. she used to be like all crazy obsessed with Simple Plan and especially David from the band. it was insaaaaaane. but it was like her year of the pop-band phase. haha. but chya! she's like cooler than you in a non-hurtful way.
look at Jordan when he was a wittle baby.
[ exclusiveblackmail ]
i'm an agnostic vegan.
i like a lot of things and dislike few.
i want to be a photographer, fashion designer, make-up artist and a role model. if i'm really lucky, i'll become some of the stuff while going off to college in 2008.
we'll become the best of friends if you make it possible.
i won't talk to you the wrong way, say something you don't like or boss you around.
i promise to make you laugh.
i love commercials.
if you want my AIM, MSN or Yahoo addy; ask please.