Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] profile picture

Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker]


About Me

At the depths of Our Soul lies the source,a sacred pool of still waters. We search far and wide, only to find that this place of great quintessence lies directly at our core. We travel far and wide, but the source of all the worlds lies within our HeartMind. With these eyes we see shapes and forms, and with them are carried messages of light. Endlessly flowing, cascading nectar trickles down. Who Am I? I am but a reflection of the entire universe. Each one of us, a star-vessel, a microcosm. We reflect each-other. If there can be a definition for the word "God," it is that which all of us make, that which we all in fact reflect. The core of our being, beyond all notions, concepts, and duality. It is the expression of our inherent purity, Love.In our lives, we search to find that "other piece" to our never-ending puzzle. The truth is, this "other piece" is already within us. But, all around us, are countless beings with innumerable sufferings. These beings are but countless aspects of a single unifying nature, trillions trickling into one ocean of Cosmic Oneness. In our path, there will be those that manifest to teach us lessons, Allies, Antagonists, and Lovers. All of which are inseparable from Us.There are many kinds of love... Love, is the ultimate creative force in the universe. Every creation, and act thereof, is an act of love. Every act of destruction is part of that creative process. When we search for a lover, we are destroying old concepts, old notions, old desires, and in our longing and loss we find ourselves. And... In our path Will Manifest, at some point in time A representation Of our other half And through their journey's together, they will be binded- To create- A masterpiece- A work of art- Behold, simply, Love. My Miranda Panda 3 ^.^ My Partner in crime, consort, and Reiki-healing buddy! Our journeys are joined as we move closer and closer to our destinations. The future of this world is uncertain, through this uncertainty... through the chaos... Miranda and I have found some similitude of peace within each other. ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________ And so the cycle rages on... and until Samsara's end, I vow to dedicate my life for the liberation of all beings in suffering. From now until my enlightenment, I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha and by the merit created in this practice, may I attain the state of Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.

My Interests

Baseball Game: LONGER CUT!

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

The MTV MADE story [In a nutshell]

So, it's all done now...More than a year of waiting for an answer, two months of filming, and it's done. The fruits are harvested, and we are now reaping what had been sewn into the fabrics of space a...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:48:00 PST

Parallel between worldviews and human relationships

So, I've made the observation that for die-hard truth seekers like myself, relationships with different spiritual traditions/religions can be very much like a romantic relationship with a significant ...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 03:06:00 PST

Lotus Borne: Chronicle One, Chapter Three

Lotus Borne Chronicle One: The Lost Child Chapter: 3                With dawn, the city was illuminated. The boy beheld the beatitude o...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST

Dancer in the Bardo

Dancer in the Bardo I saw a bird in the sky It did not fly& but was carried by the wind I asked myself, "Is this the end?" But I did not receive a reply There was silence; only the echo of my ...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:11:00 PST

Lotus Borne: Chronicle One, Chapter Two

Chapter 2 in the Lotus Borne series. Please read chapter one first =D (or else it simply won't make sense)[For some reason Myspace removes half of my punctuation, namely quotation marks, so hang in th...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 02:02:00 PST

Lotus Borne: Chronicle One, Chapter One

    I felt creative this evening so I decided to stay up and write a short story. I plan to write more, do not begin reading unless you plan on finishing it. Thanks =D-Jeremy [EDIT: Doe...
Posted by Indigo Lotus [The Reiki-Rocker] on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:32:00 PST