Most anything Irish...... Irish language, Irish history, pre-christian Irish spirituality. Also anything with music especially playing and writting. I so miss being in a band.
I call myself a recoving metalhead with moments of relapse. In between bouts of Mudvayne and Slipknot I like a little Burning Brides, Interpol, Officer May, Caustic Resin and others.Lately I've been feeling a need to fill the political gap that Rage Against The Machine left. Something like slam poetry meets D&B....or something.
Omagh, Green Street Hooligans, A Clockwork Orange, The Exorcist, LOTR, Fight Club, American History X, Set It Off, Party Monster
Nothing that says I'm too poor, too rich, too fat, too skinny, not of the right religion, not of the right political party, not in the know, not eating the right food, taking the right pills, wearing the right clothes.Doesnt leave much does it?
I've been reading Noam Chomsky lately. I've started reading "What Uncle Sam Really Wants". Declassified documents tell the tales of the shaddy, questionable and down right morally reprehensible acts this country's government has done and sheds light on the current events of today. An absolute "must read" for anyone with a mind for politics and the state of the nation.