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It's $10 per ticket. $45 for a group of five.
Once inside, go north to read the bloggins.
Don't forget to stop by the gift shop on your way out.
No outside food or drink is allowed unless you plan on sharing it with management.
Enjoy your stay.
Reserved Idealist
As an IDEALIST, you are distinctive for your integration of confidence, imagination, willingness to explore, and desire for competence over style.
You are RESERVED – you aren't someone who always needs to have others around, and you find you can handle most situations on your own.
You have a strong capacity to comprehend the inner workings of things, finding new ideas and innovative insights to feed your curious nature.
You are quite comfortable in the realm of abstract thought. You don't need a practical solution to every one of life's questions.
You are comfortable with the decisions you make in life. You don't need to second-guess yourself, or seek a lot of opinions before you make up your mind.
You enjoy the routines that you have created in your life, and don't feel the need to shake things up just for the sake of change.
You generally succeed at what you do, and others would describe you as successful.
It is important to you that products be efficient – looking good has to come second to working well.
You aren't the kind of person who needs to collect stylish items in an attempt to create an attractive environment – you know that what matters most is function, not style.
Your independent streak allows you to make decisions efficiently and to trust your instincts.
You approach problems in an analytical way, not getting caught up in your own emotions. You are an independent thinker, not wedded to the preferences of others.
You tend to do things on the spur of the moment, not sticking to a set schedule.
Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.
You can be very happy spending time alone, and enjoy your own thoughts and ideas.
You find it difficult to understand why some people get so emotional and tell everyone else their problems.
You believe that if you want to get something done, it is best to do it yourself.
In your experience, other people are not always completely dependable, so you generally rely on yourself and only a few close others.
Despite your independence, you are not a closed-minded person who makes hasty judgments about others. You know that it isn't always easy to walk in other people's shoes.
At times other people's feelings are puzzling to you, and you wish that people were more rational.
Your vision of the world is complex – your values are not set in stone. Instead, you are able to change your beliefs as you learn new information.