Movies, musicals, music, socializing with my friends & family, art-paintings mostly, eating at restaurants I've never been, trying new foods, day adventures, escaping to the country side...
I would like to reunite with all my old friends, especially since we are all over the US, and Steeler fans of course.
Definitely a classic rock 80's girl! I like pretty much everything though, but rap, unless it's old school rap. Lately, I've been getting into counrty a lot more.
Love them!!! Brat pack 80's stuff mostly, Big Chill, Stand By Me, Indiana Jones', Tomb Raiders, Sweet Home Alabama, Sweet November, What Dreams May Come, City of Angles, Legends of the Fall, Seven, Last Samurai, 12 Monkeys, & Sliding Doors to list some others...God I could go on for a while! I LOVE going to the movies!
Not a big TV person. I'd rather veg out an watch movies, although, when I do CNN, Sex in City, Everybody Loves Raymond, I'm into Scrubs
I always have good intentions when it comes to books & use to read them all the time as a child, however, now I can never seem to finish one. I read more magazines.
My parents.