My interests extend into the realm of computers, video games, and music. Especially music. Too bad there really isnt much of a scene for it in my part of town. I've learned to cope with that because I really don't need a crowd to like what I like. On top of all that, I have a huge interest in alternate lifestyles and niche cultures, D/s and BDSM imparticular. Leashes and collars are truly great things. Also Sweet Beans.
Who would I like to meet? Thats a good question. I like to talk to people that are honest, and are above the rich kid attitude that many people in this area have. Sebastian and Vero Beach are filled with 20 somethings that care more about what you wear that what you have to say. Those kind of people need not bother. I'm kind of new here, and I AM looking for people that like to have conversations on philosophy and what they want from life, without any pressure. I'm not here to hit on anyone, I just want some local friends.
Electronica, lots of electronica. I particularly like trance. Especially when it gets to be epic and involves orchestrated music in there. Alternative isn't bad either, and I've also got a soft spot for stuff like what you're listening to right now as you visit my page.
I'm a big fan of the Lord of the Rings movies, and historical stuff, like Schindlers list. And any human being that doesnt include Labyrinth and The Princess Bride on their fav lists probably wont want to talk to me.
I don't watch much TV, because my main interest, music, isn't featured on TV much anymore, because MTV is a joke. And true Trance techno was never featured there anyway. I like those police dramas like CSI though.
I love fantasy. Sci-Fi is okay too, but most of my reading is done in the genre of Dragons and magic, maybe a vampire here and there. The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind and the Shannara Series by Terry Brooks are my current favs.
Anyone that lives their life the way they want to, without succumbing to pressure to meet others' standards is my hero.