Martha fucking Stewart & Ophra OH and ASSATA SHAKUR because they are the most "Gorrila Pimpin" ladies & George Bush so i can just shoot his ASSSS ....oooopps I hope know one is offended from that...JUst PLayin I dont give a Hosting"
I Love NEo Soul and jazz and real lyrical hip hop like talib, common,.... and like some rock,electronica and house music, and i love EVEry thing but the Girl.....oh you guys I have a new found love for the Beatles....they should have never said they were bigger than JESUS...that fucked them
I LOVE any 80's movie to WEird science to LOst BOys, Color Purple, House Party The first one, City of Gods, Forest Gump,Green MIle, finding Nemo,PRetty woman Fight club, Matrix ,Lord of the Rings, Beautiful Mind,Taken, The harder they come the harder they Fall,There eyes are wathching God,Redemtion ......
I love Girlfriends, THat 70' show , Sex in the City, Sienfield, Malcolm in the Middle and the funnies shit Family Guy,Discovery channel,BBC for those who dont know what that is ( British Brodcasting Comunications)
Wild seed by Octavia butler
My Mother and everyone that sacrificed anything for the sheer revolution of people..... These earthly words cant even express the appreciation I have for you. Hopefully i can carry on in your footsteps