Volvo P1800 commercial.....I was meant for this car
Comedy Central Part 4
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smooth and cold
the worst night of my life
choking slightly
but loving that feeling
bouncing off walls
yelling with friends
sceaming all emotion
and throwing inhibition out the window
welcome to reality
to my syrup looking life
golden brown
and ready to make you happy
I'm sorry about tomorrow
'cause you won't remember
and you'll swear over and over
that it'll never happen again
cheers to my life
on the rocks of reality
welcome to hangovers
welcome to rum and cokes
So I realized something tonight. Phone calls are like dating somebody. You can be too clingy, or you can be too distant. Whenever you hang up the phone it's like breaking up with somebody. Nobody ever wants to hangup first, just like nobody ever wants to be the one to say "it's over". And like many relationships, after the breakup occurs, you try and replace them with a different person, maybe even a few, but sooner or later, you always end up back on the phone with the person you "broke up" with at first, and you'll tell them all about your day, and all about what's going on with you at the moment and you'll hear all about them. So I figured that I'd give out this information that I thought up at the end of my 3 week, barely sleeping, heavy drinking, and incredibly miserable session. Good luck with the phone calls everybody...don't break too many hearts out there ;-)
What..s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?
It's a knife. You use it for stabbing people. Although it might not be as pimped out and ghetto as the other weapons, it's more effective, which makes you more of a thug...I think.
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